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Myths and heroes the american dream dissertations et mémoires


5 209 Myths and heroes the american dream dissertations gratuites 901 - 925 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

Dernière mise à jour : 17 Mai 2016
  • The myths of witches in America

    The myths of witches in America

    Myths are somewhat heroic or monstrous that have been talked about in one way or another but we did not know if it really happened or not. In the 17 century the American people are afraid from a "Mythes" of witch beacause a women has convulsion and people are think she's posseded . This is nammed the puritanism the principal history is the witches of salem. The puritains are dressed in plain dark clothes .Many

    260 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanes: what are the consequences of the advent of the internet and social networks?

    Spaces and exchanes: what are the consequences of the advent of the internet and social networks?

    Spaces and Exchanges To begin, we will define term of spaces and exchanges. It's a continuous movement of circulation. All types of exchanges : People, trade, media, etc... Exchanges can be merchants, relational. What are the consequences of the advent of the internet and social networks ? First, we will see the positive consequences of this. Then we will speak of the negative consequences of the advent of th internet. The arrival of the Internet

    570 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Places and forms of power: what is the evolution of the different forms of power in India?

    Places and forms of power: what is the evolution of the different forms of power in India?

    Anglais * Lieux et forme de pouvoir Introduction : I’m going to present places and forms of power. We’re going to study which forms of power exist in a specific place and how they are applied. I choose the example of India, India is an emerging country and the second most populous country in the world. There are a lot of inequalities in the Indian society. What is the evolution of the different forms of

    640 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Idea of progress: how India experienced this change and what were progresses made in the country?

    Idea of progress: how India experienced this change and what were progresses made in the country?

    IDEA OF PROGRESS Progress is an improvement which brings better social conditions and happiness to mankind. It can be economic, technical medical, geo-political, any domain would to always bring satisfaction to men. People can have various ideas about what progress is. India is typically a nation in which the idea of progress can be controversial. We will wonder how India experienced this change and what were progresses made in the country. We will see first

    431 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Imaes of the enemy: A study of the Images of Germans and Frend Collaborationists in the Gaullist newspaper Combat by Suzy Gmer

    Imaes of the enemy: A study of the Images of Germans and Frend Collaborationists in the Gaullist newspaper Combat by Suzy Gmer

    Images of the Enemy: A Study of the Images of Germans and French Collaborationists in the Gaullist newspaper Combat by Suzy Gamer University of Tennessee, Knoxville The French Resistance and Combat The seemingly endless years of the German Occupation of France during World War II remain among the most controversial in the nation's history. Today this period of time between 1940 and 1944 serves as a bittersweet reminder of the fragility of man's freedom, the

    848 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Has the movie ( American history X ) given you food for thought? As to what issue ?

    Has the movie ( American history X ) given you food for thought? As to what issue ?

    The movie is American history X : Has the movie given you food for thought? As to what issue? This movie gave me a lot of thoughts about how people can be cruel to others, based on how they look or who they are and most importantly on their color. It's shocking how people can grow that much hate for others people who didn't ask for anything or do anything except for being themselves. This

    543 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Idea of progress: what are the promises and perils of biotechnology?

    Idea of progress: what are the promises and perils of biotechnology?

    The notion i am going to présent is « Idea of progress » Today, scientific advancements are controlled by reflection and laws on bioethics; Science is rather free, it could in the near future to help save even more lives, it is necessary for the progress of man and is beneficial in many cases as in the fight against serious genetic diseases but this notion involves reflecting on life. It raises questions about what is

    456 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Spaces and Exchanges: why did the Brexit take place and why can we say that Brexit has led to many fractures and fear on behalf of other countries?

    Spaces and Exchanges: why did the Brexit take place and why can we say that Brexit has led to many fractures and fear on behalf of other countries?

    Today I am going to deal with the notion of spaces and exchanges and to this notion, I am going to give a political view. First, the terms spaces and exchanges refers to geographical and symbolic areas occupied by societies as well as the interaction between the individuals in their society. I am therefore going to talk about a recent topic which is the Brexit. Brexit, is a referendum launched on June 23rd 2016 by

    622 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Idea of progress: the relationship betwen men and machines

    Idea of progress: the relationship betwen men and machines

    MOIA Marvin Ts Idee of progress The notion I’m going to deal with is idea of progress. The subject of my oral presentation that I’m going to speak about is the relationship between man and machine. First of all i’ll define a progree : a progress is a development towards a better, more compltete, or more modern condition. I fell like this notion is best illustrated by trying to see differences between man-machine and machine-man

    758 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Spaces and forms of power: what is the legitimacy to Gender Equality within the different powers?

    Spaces and forms of power: what is the legitimacy to Gender Equality within the different powers?

    SPACES AND FORMS OF POWER For a long time the police ruled out the women of its offices and its cigars, just like the army took them away from its weapons and the economy of its figures. Women would be too fragile to smoke, too maternal to know how to defend her country, too stupid to handle figures. All these prejudices have disappeared, but today, what is the legitimacy to Gender Equality within the different

    1 224 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Places and forms of power: do the images have a stronger and lasting impact over the time?

    Places and forms of power: do the images have a stronger and lasting impact over the time?

    ESPERANCE Yael TS2 Places and formes of power Well, then let me consider the following notion places and forms of power. First let me try and give a simple definition of this notion. A place is could be important buildings or institutions that represent a certain form of power, a place can also be a country or a state. A Power is the ability to control others, events, or resources; the ability to make things

    430 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Places and forms of power: the power of media

    Places and forms of power: the power of media

    Places and Forms of power « Places » could be important buildings or institutions that represent a certain form of power, for example Buckingham Palace. A place can also be a country or a state –  for example the USA is a state which is powerful enough to influence events throughout the world (superpower) and China is a major economic power in today’s world. « Power » is the ability to control others, events, or resources; the ability to

    366 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Places and forms of power: the tuition fees

    Places and forms of power: the tuition fees

    I'm going to discuss about the notion of place and form of power. I will talk about higher education in UK and in US. Indeed, in this countries, the cost of university is really expensive so in what having a degree in universities in UK or in US are instruments of power ? First, I m going to talk about the tuition fees and after the disagreement between people about that. Firstly, the tuition fees

    379 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges: how does globalization is changing the organization and the file in the cities?

    Spaces and exchanges: how does globalization is changing the organization and the file in the cities?

    Spaces and exchanges  How does globalization is changing the organization and the life in the cities? Spaces are today, defined by the geographical and the symbolic aspect. In this notion, we are going to focus on urban spaces, and more precisely on two global cities: London and Singapore. They are at the crossroad of culturally, economically, politically or scientifically exchanges. Moreover, our world never seemed smaller thanks to communication and transportation. We may wonder

    575 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Places and forms power: how can people from different cultures live together in harmony such as the South African population?

    Places and forms power: how can people from different cultures live together in harmony such as the South African population?

    PLACES AND FORMS OF POWER Hello so today, I will talk to you about South Africa who is a theme that we studied in class and wich illustrates very well the notion of “Places and Forms of power”. But before entering in the subject, there is a key question we can ask ourselves in order to better understand: what does this notion mean ? Well, power is for me the ability to act in order

    753 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges: What are the different factors that explain migratíons throughout the world?

    Spaces and exchanges: What are the different factors that explain migratíons throughout the world?

    Spaces and exchanges Definition: Nowadays, the different spaces in the world are more and more connected to each other, as we live in a globalised world. The exchanges can appear in many forms: people, trade, and information. I’m going focus on migrations and especially the reason for these exchanges of people. What are the different factors that explain migrations throughout the world? First I will study the bust and the boom of Ireland. Then I’ll

    559 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges: what is the impact of the immigrant in USA?

    Spaces and exchanges: what is the impact of the immigrant in USA?

    Introduction: Hello my name is... I'm going to talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges. To start with I'd like to give you a definition about the notion. So space is the unlimited three-dimentional expance in wich all material object are located ans exchange is to replace unsafactory goods with another. The subject of my presentation is the emigration. Now the question i can up with is what is the ipact of the immigrant

    252 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Places and forms of power: why did the press have so much influence?

    Places and forms of power: why did the press have so much influence?

    I'm going to talk about the notion of « Places en forms of power ». First of all, I would like to give a definition of this notion : The power is the abvility to control others, events or ressources. There are various sorts of power like the political power, the fourth power with the press/media. First, I’m going to talk about the press, which is called the fourth power. Nowadays, the press and media

    327 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges: What influence does the web have on today's society ?

    Spaces and exchanges: What influence does the web have on today's society ?

    Spaces and exchanges Introduction : - Définitions : Today, different spaces are connected by a lot of ways especially thanks to Internet, and these spaces are dependant between them (international institutions, agreements between states...). This independence is due to the exchanges between these spaces. It contains the trading, information, people... - Problématique : What influence does the web have on today's society ? -Annonce du plan. Plan détaillé : I- What are the different forms

    263 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Notion anglais, Locations and forms of power: the power of money

    Notion anglais, Locations and forms of power: the power of money

    INTRODUCTION I'm going to talk about the notion of Locations and forms of power, and first of all, i would like to give a definition of this following notion. In politics and social science, power is the ability to influence the behavior of people. In order to live together members of a community accept rules, regulations, laws. This helps to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts and tensions. Even when authority seems

    637 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Places and forms of power: the power of media

    Places and forms of power: the power of media

    Place and forms of power Introduction: I will introduce the concept of "place and form of power". The place and form of power can be referred to symbolic places of power. There are different types of powers as the political, economic, social power or family. We can ask: "What is the power of the media ?" and "What are the different forms of resistance ?" Firstly we'll see the power of the media and then,

    491 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges : what are the reasons for, and the consequences of immigration ?

    Spaces and exchanges : what are the reasons for, and the consequences of immigration ?

    Sophie Savary TS4 Anglais I am going to talk aboutthe notion of « Space and Exchanges ». an exchange is an act of giving and receiving something in return. Or a continuous movement and circulation : media, people, trade, etc. In class we focussed on immigration into the United States, from Mexico. It is the longest border and a strategic border for legal and illegal business such as drug dealing. We studied on two documents,

    532 Mots / 3 Pages
  • People and places of power, The remains of the day

    People and places of power, The remains of the day

    People and places of power 1. The remains of the day was released in 1993 by Ruth Prawer Jhabvala. This drama was based on the novel “The Remains of the day” written by Kazuo Ishiguro in 1989. The two main characters are Mr. Steven, the butler of Darlington Hall (played by Anthony Hopkins) and Miss Kenton, the housekeeper of Darlington Hall (played by Emma Thompson). Another important character would be Lord Darlington (played by James

    497 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Places and forms of power: the influence of media on the populations

    Places and forms of power: the influence of media on the populations

    Places and forms of power Places can be important buildings that represent a certain form of power, like Buckingham Palace who is a symbol of the British monarchy. A place can also be a country or a state which is more powerful than the others. Power is the ability of people or group of people or a nation who exercise control over others. This helps to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts

    1 358 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges:how immigration shaped today's world aèd what have been the main challenges encountered during this process?

    Spaces and exchanges:how immigration shaped today's world aèd what have been the main challenges encountered during this process?

    Spaces and exchanges: First of all I would like to give a definition of exchanges. It is the act of giving or receiving something in substitution for something else. In today’s modern-day world these exchanges can take several forms: economic – work exchanges, exchange of goods, cultural – exchange of ideas, education, movement of people like immigration. Our modern-day world is changing quickly and seems to be a smaller place due to improvements in technology

    677 Mots / 3 Pages