Muc Anglais dissertations et mémoires
4 857 Muc Anglais dissertations gratuites 376 - 400 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
La vie aux Etats-Unis - synthèse en anglais
The intersection of 43rd Avenue and Thomas Road on the west side of Phoenix is lined with the same monotonous range of petrol stations, fast-food outlets, pharmacies and clothes stores that you'll find in any modern city in America's heartlands. It is distinguished only by the exceptionally mundane. Look closer, though, and a disturbing pattern emerges. Here is a real estate office that is shuttered and empty, here a panaderia - a bread shop -
327 Mots / 2 Pages -
Vocabulaire Anglais Pour Le génie Ciil
Vocabulary A site : un chantier Cement : ciment Stone : pierre Plywood : contreplaqué Concrete block : parpaing Hemp : chanvre Plaster : plâtre Brick : brique Slate : ardoise PU foam : mousse isolante Glass wool insulator : laine de verre Bitumen : bitume Aggregates : aggrégats A cold mix : enrobé à froid Cable : câble ( d’un pont ) Wire : câble électrique Wiring : câblage Sewage : égoûts A pipe
215 Mots / 1 Pages -
L’entreprise Apple (document en anglais)
APPLE The persons who created APPLE are Steve Jobs, Ronald Wayne and Steve Wozniak. Steve Jobs is a person really famous in the world; he is one of pioneers of the computing with these main competitors, IBM and Windows. He was part of the American richest with 7 billion dollars. Their first creation was a computer in 1976. Jobs studied calligraphy there, which helped him in sure of these conceptions. Both Steve made one “blue
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Lettre traduite en anglais
Salut Clive, first of all tu ne pourras jamais tout offrir aux gens. les aider est déjà beaucoup. sur terre la misère est omniprésente et on ne pourra pas la combattre let's not forget that. last but not least faut que tu sois fière de ce que tu as fait pour eux. je suis sure que cette année sabbatique t'a permis de découvrir pleines choses nouvelles et de pleins expériences nouvelles. Moi aussi j'ai passé
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Biographie de Dominick d'Angelo (document en anglais)
Dominick D'Angelo had arrived in New York at the turn of the century, a frightened immigrant, fourteen years old, wearing the clothes his widowed mother had made for him before he left Sicily. He had the address of an uncle, five American dollars, and promises he had made to a mother he would never see again. He would be an honorable man, always. He would give his word only when he knew he could keep
288 Mots / 2 Pages -
72/5000 Extrait d'une déclaration faite par un membre du Congrès sur la «menace chinoise» (document en anglais)
Shanit Bendavid We are dealing with an extract from a declaration made by a Congressman on the “Chinese Menace” which dates back to 1892. The date is pretty significant here. In fact, it refers to the date when the Chinese Exclusion Act ends up and consequently, to the beginning of a new “Chinese Menace” due to the end of immigration regulation. The Chinese Exclusion Act was passed in the United States in 1882. It was
2 729 Mots / 11 Pages -
Rapport d'étude en anglais
For 2 years, i have been a student of a post baccalaureat course at Robert Doisneau High Scool in Corbeil Essonnes to prepare a BTS in management and accountancy. A BTS in similar to an HND in Great-Britain. Accounting is a practice discipline simplify, identify and record numerical data to reflect and qualify for an agent or an entity, both the magnitude of its economic activity and its consequences on the heritage inventory. During my
263 Mots / 2 Pages -
Santé et maladie (document en anglais)
You may have heard about the terms illness and disease on a regular basis. Do the terms mean the same things? Well, almost, but not quite. There is some difference between the usages of the terms, so you should be careful while using them. Illness and disease both cause the same feelings of discomfort, pain or unease in people. However, an illness is more of a subjective feeling. This means that there is really no
220 Mots / 1 Pages -
Comment garder l'avantage malgré la concurrence ? - courte synthèse en anglais
Nowadays, a sustainable competitive advantage must be achieved by the company so as to maintain the leadership of its products among the others in the market, an advantage over competitors gained by offering consumers greater value, either by means of lower prices or by providing greater benefits and service that justifies higher prices. Can social media help achieve this goal ? Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Youtube ... Social media attract more and more people on the
768 Mots / 4 Pages -
Sujet Muc Decathlon
Corrigé sujet Décathlon 1ère partie 1.1. Calculez le nombre d’heures de travail nécessaires pour atteindre l’objectif de productivité fixé à l’ univers » sports de raquette » pour 2005. CA n-1 en K € 3 7 Progression 4.0% CA n en K € (1) 3 926 Objectif productivité (2) 241 Heures nécessaires (1) x (2) 16 290 1.2. Déterminez si le potentiel d’heures de travail actuellement disponibles est suffisant pour l’année 2005. 7 CDI
2 028 Mots / 9 Pages -
Biographie de Steave Jobs (document en anglais)
Hello members of the committee. Today, I will tell you the story of Steve Jobs, the man who changed the world. Steven Paul Jobs was adopted. Many people are hopeless when they learn that; Steve wasn’t. To the contrary, He has always said that Paul and Clara Jobs were his parents. When he was 13, he created a frequency meter and earned a job in a firm where he discovered the job of engineer whereas
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L'IDE (Investissement direct étranger) (document en anglais)
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Introduction: FDI can be defined as “cross border flows in which business in one country own part or all of business in other country”. In this regard, the current era of globalization can be characterized by the expansion of FDI and the creation of cross border production network by multinational companies. FDI offered benefits to both developing and developed countries as well as to host and source countries and has become
1 417 Mots / 6 Pages -
Biographie de Louise Gras (document en anglais)
Louise Gras : a biography by Natalie Miller One of the most talented celebrities in the history of film, Louise Gras is an actress known everywhere in the world. The beginnings of a great career Louise Gras was born in Dijon, on October 12, 1974. She lived in the countryside of Brazey Plain with his large family. His mother was an famous architect, his father is a doctor, and she had one brother and two sisters.
523 Mots / 3 Pages -
Un bon produit (document en anglais)
Safety 1- Othmane Keeping their Safety and Care Commitment is the most important thing companies can do to continue earning our trust. It’s why their assurance process is so rigorous. And it’s why they’re always listening to us so that they can improve their products and we can have complete peace of mind whenever we bring them into our home. Every product must meet high standards of safety and efficacy. Companies continue to assess their
521 Mots / 3 Pages -
Bts Muc: comptable spécialisé facturation
Comptable spécialisé facturation › ... › Comptable spécialisé facturationVoir; Formateur en bts muc ... DES ETUDES A L'EMPLOI, COMMENT ORGANISER LA RECHERCHE DE SON 1ER EMPLOI Quand ? ... Contrôle l'exactitude des écritures comptables et rend compte de la situation économique de la structure. ... Un diplôme de niveau Bac+2 (BTS, DUT, Diplôme Préparatoire aux Etudes ... Gestion D'Uc - Facturation - Bts Muc - Compte Rendu. Imprimer ... juin 2012 – Gestion
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Bts Muc: réalisation d'un inventaire
Réalisation d’un inventaire Problématique : Chaque entreprise est obligée de nos jours d’avoir un stock précisément contrôlé. La société Shishamania étant récente , elle n’avait pas encore fixé de réelles bases de stocks avec les éléments a toujours avoir en certaines quantités en cas de situations non habituelles. Il était donc nécessaire de compter les sctocks produits en usine et d’informatiser la structure de celle-ci. OBJECTIFS : Afin de mesurer mon efficacité, mon commanditaire m’a
603 Mots / 3 Pages -
Bts Muc: analyse commerciale de City Sport
PARTIE 1 : ANALYSE COMMERCIALE A. Qui est City Sport ? Mon projet de développement a été réalisé dans une grande surface spécialisée en vente d’articles et Accessoires de sport. Le réseau de distributeur auquel mon entreprise appartient est connu sous l’enseigne City Sport. L’île comporte 7 points de vente et le siège est situé à Saint Paul, Savannah. Mon unité commerciale située à saint Denis, 64 rue Félix Guyon est constituée de 8 salariés
984 Mots / 4 Pages -
Analyse du groupe Gucci (document en anglais)
Search form Search About Login Business Profiles Recommended articles Gucci – The Key Facts About This Fashion Brand Carole Hughes 0 comments The History and Brand of Gucci Handbags Malene Soegaard 0 comments Competitor Analysis Can eliminate Competitive Blind Spots T. Gopinathan 0 comments The Marketing Strategies of Gucci The House of Gucci, or simply Gucci is one of the more established premium fashion brands in the world. Its success depends largely on its effective
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A Princess of Mars (une princesse de mar), Edgar Rice (document en anglais).
Last week we brought you the first of four programs called “A Princess of Mars.” Our story is from a series of books by American writer Edgar Rice Burroughs. They are science fiction stories, a mix of imagination and science. Last week, we met John Carter who begins the story. He enters a cave deep in the desert in the state of Arizona. There something happens. He does not know how, but he has been
374 Mots / 2 Pages -
L'entreprise JB (document en anglais)
• Presentation of the company I work for JB wish is a family business consisting of 8 shops. My business unit is located in hazebrouck ( between saint omer and lille) our core business is retail clothing specialist. In our business clients for enough to buy their gowns, suits, and all accessories such as lingerie or shoes for example. I will explain to you how we do an appointment : • We are here to
233 Mots / 1 Pages -
Economie Droit MUC: le secteur automobile en 2008-2009
BTS MUC 1ère année Préparer l’épreuve d’économie et droit Devoir 1 Année 2011 / 2012 Première partie : Economie générale Question 1 : En 2008 et 2009, les constructeurs automobiles ont réduit leur capacité de production pour deux raisons : La première, c’est la crise financière de 2007 qui a pesé sur l’activité économique mondiale entrainant une baisse de la consommation des ménages. La deuxième, c’est la croissance économique de pays tels que la Chine
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I'd Like To Teach The World To Sell (étude en anglais)
I’d like to teach the world to sell Expression A.According to the article, what makes an advertising universal or not ? This article shows/explains/deals with/tackles the advertising techniques of the renown brand Coca Cola. The journalist focuses on this international brand, which is one of the most famous around the world, as its products can be found almost everywhere. We can assume that almost every person on the planet has heard of it. In the
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Magasin Prêt A Porter Acrc Bts Muc
1.1.1-Zone de Chalandise: La zone de chalandise est déterminée par des courbes isochroniques suivant l’éloignement de la clientèle potentielle du show-room. Ces courbes montrent la zone d’attraction du showroom auprès de la clientèle potentielle. 1.1.2-Types de clientèle : D’après une documentation interne, la clientèle du point de vente se répartie de la façon suivante : L activité professionnelle de la clientèle : 1.1.3-Moyens d'accès : Le showroom Iannalfo & Sgariglia Paris est situé dans le
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Biographie d'Ethan Frome (document en anglais)
Ethan Frome is a novella written by New Yorker Edith Wharton, first published in 1911 when Wharton was in her early fifties. As a writer, Wharton was very prolific and constantly produced and published shorts stories, poems, novels and novellas. The reason Ethan Frome is one of her most famous stories is mainly because of this astonishing portrait of the poverty stricken inhabitants of the fictional town of Starkfield, Massachusetts, and the love triangle between
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Les Exigences d'Admission et de Procédures pour Les Étudiants Internationaux (docuement en anglais).
Admission Requirements and Procedures for International Students International undergraduate students must fulfill the same requirements as all other students applying for undergraduate admission. In addition, international undergraduate students must provide the following information: 1. Educational Documents: Official transcripts or Statement of Marks must be mailed to the Office of Admissions at St. Thomas University directly from the educational institution(s) attended. The official transcript or Statement of Marks must contain: • Subjects studied • Marks or
1 427 Mots / 6 Pages