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Anglais dissertations et mémoires


4 360 Anglais dissertations gratuites 551 - 575 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

Dernière mise à jour : 19 Juin 2015
  • Le livre German Myths And Legends de Donal A. Mackenzie (1912) (document en anglais)

    Le livre German Myths And Legends de Donal A. Mackenzie (1912) (document en anglais)

    German Myths and Legends, by Donald A. Mackenzie, (1912) TEUTONIC MYTH AND LEGEND by DONALD A. MACKENZIE An Introduction to the Eddas & Sagas, Beowulf, The Nibelungenlied, etc. London, Gresham Publications [1912?] Scanned, proofed and formatted at, October 2003, by John Bruno Hare. This text is in the public domain in the US because it was published prior to 1923. Click to enlarge THE PUNISHMENT OF LOKE From the painting by J. Doyle Penrose,

    11 812 Mots / 48 Pages
  • Explication du rôle et les comportements du directeur des opérations pour aborder les principaux aspects de la qualité de service (document en anglais)

    Explication du rôle et les comportements du directeur des opérations pour aborder les principaux aspects de la qualité de service (document en anglais)

    Explain the role and behaviors of the operations manager in addressing the major aspects of service quality. Please provide examples. A good operatons manager will understand that it boils down how the customer views customer service. If there experience is good and the company meet the needs/expectations then the customer will rate that company as a better service provider. There are five different elements: Reliability which is following through with what you advertise and promise

    412 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Biographie d'Emile Zola (document en anglais)

    Biographie d'Emile Zola (document en anglais)

    Zola was born in Paris in 1840. His father, François Zola (originally Francesco Zolla), was an Italian engineer. With his French wife Émilie Aurélie Aubert, the family moved to Aix-en-Provence in the southeast, when Émile was three years old. Four years later in 1847, his father died leaving his mother on a meager pension. In 1858 the Zolas moved to Paris, where Émile's childhood friend Paul Cézanne soon joined him. Zola started to write in

    590 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Affectation néerlandaise (document en anglais)

    Affectation néerlandaise (document en anglais)

    Dutch Assignment Increasingly, and especially in Europe, we know that a country can not be built independently but always in interaction with other countries. It is indeed as a country that is built with influences from both other. We can see with the example of the Netherlands. Indeed, the country was heavily inspired by France in 19 with the reign of Napoleon throughout Europe. The emperor gave the reign of the country to his brother

    412 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Comment installer un serveur NTP ? (texte en anglais)

    Comment installer un serveur NTP ? (texte en anglais)

    Installation du serveur NTP sous CentOS et RedHat. Yum install ntp Puis : chkconfig ntpd on pour un démarrage automatique du démon Il faut ensuite configurer le fichier ntp.conf présent dans /etc/ : - Si l’on souhaite que le serveur soit à son tour synchronisé par un serveur NTP public, on doit s’assurer d’avoir la ligne suivante dans le fichier de configuration : Server - L’heure d’été n’est pas supportée par le ntp, (puisqu’il

    264 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Article sur la semaine d'affaire (document en anglais)

    Article sur la semaine d'affaire (document en anglais)

    This document is an article of business week which is published on May 19th 2011. It’s about Red bull’s creator named Dietrich Hateschitz and his creation. This first part is about Dietrich Hateschitz. First of all, we have some information about his identity. Actually we learn that he is 67 years old and he belongs to the upper-middle class. He became rich thanks to his creation Red bull. Finally, the article talk about his personality,

    261 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Incubators EIAT automatic turner - présentation en anglais

    Incubators EIAT automatic turner - présentation en anglais

    INSTRUCTIONS EI20 AND EI20WF AND REPAIR PARTS LIST INCUBATORS EIAT AUTOMATIC TURNER  ! CAUTION ! On all equipment used in incubation and brooding, be sure power cord assemblies are not connected when installing, cleaning or making repairs. Be sure any outlet used for power cord connection is actually grounded. Brower cord assemblies and heaters or heat sources should only be repaired by a qualified electrician. Frayed or worn power cords should be replaced immediately

    6 552 Mots / 27 Pages
  • Méthode Pour Une Présentation Oral Type Bac En Anglais

    Méthode Pour Une Présentation Oral Type Bac En Anglais

    La compréhension écrite La compréhension écrite • Première chose à faire : lire attentivement le texte. Se concentrer dès le début pour essayer de comprendre ce qui est raconté par l'auteur, quel type de texte vous est proposé, etc. • Une fois le texte compris dans son ensemble, vous pouvez aborder les questions de compréhension. Répondez toujours dans l'ordre. Laissez la place si nécessaire pour y revenir plus tard, mais pensez à toujours numéroter les

    552 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Banksy (document en anglais)

    Banksy (document en anglais)

    Banksy beach boyes esposé court bref et explication du texte Beach boys réalisée sur le mur séparant l'israel et la palestine(west bank). Cette œuvre était accompagnée de plusieurs autres qui sont le reflet d'un désir de paix. On peut y trouver des enfants qui jouent, un enfant soulevée par des ballons, des pays idylliques,etc. Pulp fiction (samuel l.jackson et john travolta), version banane. 2007, londres La version d'origine était composée des deux hommes pointant des

    210 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Négociation Vente Anglais Voiture

    Négociation Vente Anglais Voiture

    CARS  I’m a car dealer for…. What can I do for you?  What type of car are you looking for? Do you want gas or diesel? What features are important for you? What’s your budget?  Ok, so you said you want a…..You’d like diesel. You want a CD player, power-steering…And your budget is…..  I have exactly what you need. It’s the……..This is our new model. This car is amazing. The make

    287 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Les études subalternes de Gayatri Spivak (document en anglais)

    Les études subalternes de Gayatri Spivak (document en anglais)

    SUBALTERN STUDIES OF GAYATRI SPIVAK Introduction : The term Subaltern was taken from an essay by Antonio Gramsci (1881-1937), an Italian writer who viewed political and cultural issues from a Marxist perspective. The term refers to any person or group of inferior rank and station, and thus it can be applied in discussions of race, class, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and religion. Subaltern Studies Group or Subaltern Studies Collective (SSC or SSG), refers particularly to a

    3 171 Mots / 13 Pages
  • Institution juridique américaine (document en anglais)

    Institution juridique américaine (document en anglais)

    American legal Institutions Section 1 : Overview of the US Legal System and the US Constitution : I. The US Constitution : The Constitution is the fundamental law of the federal U.S. government. This is an important landmark document for the whole Western world because it is one of the oldest constitutions in the world (after that of Corsica and Saint-Martin). The U.S. Constitution was written in September, the 17th of 1787 by 55 delegates

    296 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Demandes de documents: Transcriptions, relevés, lettres bancaires, CAS (document en anglais)

    Demandes de documents: Transcriptions, relevés, lettres bancaires, CAS (document en anglais)

    You are very welcome to collect a standard Statement of Attendance / Council Tax Letter / Letter to open a bank account at the Student Hub. Please note: Santander bank, located on the South Kensington campus, have informed College that a student wishing to open an account with the bank will only need to present a valid passport or driving licence along with your student ID card and will no longer require a bank letter

    633 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Etude de cas: l'entreprise Nike (document en anglais)

    Etude de cas: l'entreprise Nike (document en anglais)

    Nike General presentation of company Nike, Inc. is an American multinational corporation that is engaged in the design, development and worldwide marketing and selling of footwear, apparel, equipment, accessories and services. The company is headquartered near Beaverton, Oregon, in the Portland metropolitan area. It is the world's leading supplier of athletic shoes and apparel and a major manufacturer of sports equipment, with revenue in excess of US$24.1 billion in its fiscal year 2012 (ending May

    1 385 Mots / 6 Pages
  • L'entreprise Coca Cola (document en anglais)

    L'entreprise Coca Cola (document en anglais)

    FIRM INFRASTRUCTURE : Franchising model Produce only a syrup concentrate sold to bottlers Own minor part of different bottlers, which are franchises of TCCC HUMAN RESSOURCES MANAGEMENT Development programs Code of Business Conduct, Work place Right Policy, Human Rights Statement Finding and keeping skilled people TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT : Investment in R&D Environmental improvements New dispensers (Coca-Cola freestyle) PROCUREMENT : From all around the world Suppliers requirements INBOUND LOGISTICS : - 300 bottling partners worldwide -

    274 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Biographie en anglais de James Butler Hickok

    Biographie en anglais de James Butler Hickok

    ames Butler Hickok ( from May 27 . 1837 of Angust 2 . 1876 ) . He nickname was Wild Bill was a figure in the American Old West . His skills as a gunfighter and scout , along with his reputation as lawman , provided the basis for his fame , al trough some of his exploits are fictionalized . Wild Bill was bon in homer , Illinois at present ( or now )

    380 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Etude de cas sur le groupe Nespresso (document en anglais)

    Etude de cas sur le groupe Nespresso (document en anglais)

    Objectives Strategies 1986: to capture a professional market To target hotels, bars, offices… 1988: to capture a domestic market focusing on high socio-professional classes ➢ Repositioning: B2B -> B2C Creation of Nespresso Club and their website Exclusive distribution: excluded the large distribution to keep the upper hand on its trade policy and marketing To build a premium and expert brand image based on coffee excellence Careful selection of the best worldwide coffee (2% of the

    296 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Questionnaire En Anglais

    Questionnaire En Anglais

    In the context of a survey and an analyse of the customer, we thank you to answering this survey. Your profile Surname : Firstname : Adress : Telephon number : Email : What is your gender ? Male ☐ female ☐ ☐ Less than 30 years ☐ Between 30 and 39 years ☐ Between 40 and 49 years ☐ Between 50 and 59 years ☐ 60 years and more How old are you ? ………………

    824 Mots / 4 Pages
  • L'entreprise Eurostar (document en anglais)

    L'entreprise Eurostar (document en anglais)

    1. Introduction 2.0 The service package 2.1 goods and services 2.2 Services characteristics 2.3 Service quality 3.0 Service processes 3.1 Process of delivery of the service, Service Processes 4.0 Service people and the service encounter 4.1 Customers and service providers 5.0 Capacity management 5.1 Capacity Management (models) 5.2 Yield Management 6. Conclusion 7. Harvard reference 8. Interview 1. Each year 50 million passengers across the Channel, three times more than twenty years ago. Since November

    2 122 Mots / 9 Pages
  • Les arguments pour un eurobond commun (document en anglais)

    Les arguments pour un eurobond commun (document en anglais)

    4. THE ARGUMENTS FOR A COMMON EUROBOND 4.1. The efficiency gains from further integration; greater liquidity and lower borrowing costs The main argument for a common European government bond is that it would promote further market integration, especially on the supply side, and greater debt management coordination. The efficiency gains from a unified bond market could be substantial: liquidity could be enhanced by larger outstanding volumes and the more so if the common Eurobond would

    1 306 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Pouvoir De Religion (Anglais)

    Pouvoir De Religion (Anglais)

    Except three powers, political, economic and media, do there exist other powers? it will fast occur the religious power. However, the religion constitutes a natural power different from that of the political power? The answer is clearly negative in many countries, where religion and politics are closely involved, whether they are Muslim countries applying the sharia ( Koranic law) or occidental countries as the United States where the religion is present to on bank notes.

    399 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Buy Nothing Day (document en anglais)

    Buy Nothing Day (document en anglais)

    Thanksgiving will be on all the great deals and crowds for Black Friday, that isn't the only event that is taking place. In addition to this well-known shopping day, November 23 is also Buy Nothing Day, a day where the goal is to get consumers to have a 24 hour moratorium on all their spending. In essence, it's the anti Black Friday. No Spend Days are becoming a more and more popular tool championed by

    245 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Changements de taux de change (document en anglais)

    Changements de taux de change (document en anglais)

      Table of contents Introduction I. Marketing Decisions II. Production Decisions III. Financial Decisions Conclusion & Recommendations Introduction Our world of today consists of 238 countries and territories (Population Data, 2013), 193 are members of the United Nations (Rosenberg, 2012), and of 182 official currencies (Countries of the world, 2013). And this is with the growing globalization, with world exchanges of goods and services, world contracts, world imports and exports made every day around the

    2 838 Mots / 12 Pages
  • Rapport De Stage En Anglais

    Rapport De Stage En Anglais

    Rapport sur le stage Internship made at Carline Truck International From July 9th to September 14 2012 Assistant sales manager Year 2011-2012 Iseg Business School SUMMARY Thanks Introduction I. The Company 1. Overview of the company 2. Distribution of the company Personnel 3. Products offered 4. Customers and competitions 5. Suppliers II. The Internship 1. The purpose of the Internship 2. Personnal reflections III. Conclusion Thanks I want to firstly thank, the entire teaching staff

    2 805 Mots / 12 Pages
  • Cathégorie Grammaticale En Anglais

    Cathégorie Grammaticale En Anglais

    CHOIX DE LA CATEGORIE GRAMMATICALE Comme pour les temps, ce choix ne présente normalement pas de problème, puisque l'anglais et le français présentent de très grandes similitudes à cet égard. Il s'agit donc le plus souvent de fautes d'inattention, que l'on élimine à la relecture. Confusion entre nom, adjectif et verbe Les différences entre noms, adjectifs et verbes sont bien moins nettes en anglais qu'en français, où les terminaisons permettent généralement de connaître immédiatement la

    376 Mots / 2 Pages