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Devoir management et gestion des unités commerciales: le groupe Leclair
Devoir management et gestion des unités commerciales n°1 Partie 1 : activité du mois de janvier 2009 1. les partenaires de l'unité commerciale d'Alain Leclair sont en premier sa banque, puis son fournisseur et ses employés. 2. Les opérations relevant du cycle d'exploitation sont les achats de matiÚres premiÚres, le salaire des coursiers, les charges sociales, l'achat du carburant pour les scooters, le rÚglement du loyer et de la communication avec le rÚglement de l'impression et
309 Mots / 2 Pages -
Résumé de la théorie des contraintes (document en anglais).
The Theory Of Constraints 1. Introduction The ongoing improvement is the most important strategic process that each enterprise is looking for.But, how the top management can lead his enterprise to gain improvement? What are the necessary tools for obtaining better results from activity? How to understand the core of the problem, define the strategy and implement it? All those questions can be answered by a methodology called âTheory of Constraints (TOC)â. TOC was performed by
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Le Cambodge (document en Français, anglais et espagnol)
Le Cambodge, comme Ă©tude de cas, est Ă bien des Ă©gards dâun trĂšs grand intĂ©rĂȘt puisquâil devint une dĂ©mocratie libĂ©rale aprĂšs les Ă©lections organisĂ©es par les Nations Unies en 1993 mais aussi par le coup dâĂtat qui intervint au moment mĂȘme, en juillet 1997, de la crise Ă©conomique en ThaĂŻlande. La crise Ă©conomique asiatique nâa pas Ă©tĂ© une force majeure destructrice du dĂ©veloppement politique du Cambodge. Si cette crise a effectivement contribuĂ© Ă lâappauvrissement Ă©conomique
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Devoir Management: cas AlĂšs groupe
Devoir de management n°1 : Le cas Ales groupe. 1° En mettant Ă la tĂȘte de lâentreprise Mme Battigello, directrice de la banche italienne de LiĂ©rac, le groupe Ales a adoptĂ© une logique entrepreneuriale, car la famille Ales a choisit une femme ayant une grande expĂ©rience dans la direction dâentreprise, le marketing et dans les relations avec lâinternational qui font dĂ©jĂ 51% des ventes du groupe. Pour le groupe Ales, Lorenza est une vraie opportunitĂ©
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Devoir Cned Droit général et Droit Notarial
DEVOIR 1 PremiĂšre Partie Questions de connaissances (13points) 1) Citer, en les classant, les diffĂ©rentes sources du Droit. Les diffĂ©rentes sources du droit sont les suivantes : -Textes constitutionnels -TraitĂ©s internationaux ratifiĂ©s Droit europĂ©en dĂ©rivĂ© -Lois organiques Lois ordinaires, ordonnances de lâarticle 38 et les dĂ©crets autonomes -DĂ©cret dâapplication ArrĂȘtĂ©s ministĂ©riels ArrĂȘtĂ©s prĂ©fectoraux ArrĂȘtĂ©s municipaux -Jurisprudence -Coutumes Usages Conventions collectives Les textes de niveau inferieur doit ĂȘtre conforme aux textes du niveau supĂ©rieur. 2) DĂ©finir
1 321 Mots / 6 Pages -
Management Des Entraprise Devoir 3
DEVOIR DE MANAGEMENT N°3 SUJET LE CAS LAFARGUE-VINCI Analyse du contexte. LE GROUPE LAFARGUE Question 1 Type dâorganisation : organisation privĂ©e Ă but lucratif/entreprise industrielle. Champ dâaction : - ActivitĂ©s : matĂ©riaux de construction : ciment, granulats, bĂ©ton et plĂątre = activitĂ© industrielles => secteur secondaire. - GĂ©ographique : le groupe est prĂ©sent dans 70 pays â Firme multinationale produit et vend dans le monde entier => champ dâaction international. Taille : effectifs de 71
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Devoir management des entreprise: cas LAFARGE - VINCI
DEVOIR DE MANAGEMENT N°3 SUJET LE CAS LAFARGUE-VINCI Analyse du contexte. LE GROUPE LAFARGUE Question 1 Type d'organisation : organisation privĂ©e Ă but lucratif/entreprise industrielle. Champ d'action : - ActivitĂ©s : matĂ©riaux de construction : ciment, granulats, bĂ©ton et plĂątre = activitĂ© industrielles => secteur secondaire. - GĂ©ographique : le groupe est prĂ©sent dans 70 pays â Firme multinationale produit et vend dans le monde entier => champ d'action international. Taille : effectifs de 71
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Ăconomie Du Secteur Automobile En France (devoir)
La compĂ©titivitĂ© est la condition la plus importante pour quâun produit puisse se vendre (supposant que le marchĂ© est existant). En France il y a un vrai problĂšme de compĂ©titivitĂ© dans le secteur automobile. Ce problĂšme provient en majeure partie de la politique de redistribution des richesses. En France un ouvrier qui est payĂ© 1600 euros net coĂ»te Ă lâentreprise 3000 euros. Donc forcĂ©ment les produits qui seraient fabriquĂ©s par des chinois en Chine par
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Ătude du roman Frankenstein de Mary Shelley (document en anglais)
FRANKENSTEIN . Frankenstein is a gothic typical novel ( considered as precursor of science fiction)published in 1818 by the young british Mary Shelley , Daughter of the feminist writer Mary Wollstonecraft and William Godwin a philosopher, she grew up in a anarchy literary, and received an excellent cultural education, knowing French, Greek and Latin. In 1814 she fled the family home with the poet and widower : Percy Shelley Bisshe with who she will be
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Ccf Anglais: Fish and Chips (document en anglais)
'Fish and chips' is a popular take away food in English speaking countries, that's to say Great Britain, Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand. It is not rare to find chippers (fish and chips shops) in South Africa. It seems to be a Portuguese meal imported in United Kingdom by Jews in the 19th century. It consist in a breadcrumbs based on beer, but many variants exist. The tradition expect that fish and chips is fried
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Devoir ECONOMIE GENERALE ET DROIT: Croissance et dĂ©veloppement de lâĂ©conomie française
Devoir 02 ECONOMIE GENERALE ET DROIT Sujet : Croissance et dĂ©veloppement de lâĂ©conomie française Question 1 : La croissance potentielle se dĂ©finit comme le taux de croissance de long terme qui rĂ©sulte de la combinaison de lâoffre des facteurs de production (travail, capital et progrĂšs technique). Les projections en matiĂšre de croissance potentielle (exemple : scĂ©nario cible 2020 : 2,5 Ă 3 %) repose sur lâĂ©volution future des facteurs de production. Pour atteindre ce chiffre
2 809 Mots / 12 Pages -
Devoir Culture Générale et expression: analyse des documents et extraction des idées à retenir
Culture gĂ©nĂ©rale et expression 19/03/2012 Devoir n°1 EXERCICE N°1 : Etude des paratextes 1. Dans un premier temps, rappelons la dĂ©finition du terme « paratexte ». Le paratexte regroupe toutes les indications qui entourent le texte. Pour rĂ©pondre Ă cette question, nous allons distinguer les renseignements qui concernent la provenance ou lâauteur, puis ceux qui ont trait au contenu. AprĂšs lecture du document 1, le texte dâintroduction nous donne des indications sur lâauteur qui est
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Sujet Anglais LV1 Iena
Sujet Anglais LV 1 lENA 2008 Lost in the post IT TAKES a lot to produce gasps of astonishment from British politicians. But that was what greeted Alistair Darling, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, when he told parliament on November 20th that two computer discs containing the personal details of 25m British individuals and 7m families had gone missing. The discs were being sent by internal mail between two government departments ; they included names,
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Inside Job - Ă©tude en anglais
Inside Job September, the 15th 2008, Lehman Brothers has been forced to declare itself as bankrupt, Merrill Lynch has been forced to sell itself and the announcement of the collapse of the insurance company AIG mark the beginning of the worst and widest crises in the history. A global recession will cost tens of trillions of dollars, 30 millions of jobs and doubles the US national debt. This crisis isnât an accident; it was caused
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Analyse Du Film The September Issue (le problĂšme de septembre) de R.J. Cutler (document en anglais)
The September issue The September issue movie talks about the reflection and the creation of the Vogue Magazine September issue. The film begins with a little presentation of Vogue Magazine, interviewing the main actors in its creation and especially its editor-in-chief, Anna Wintour. It is shot as a documentary about all the processes of production of only one issue: September. Everything begins with the research of the themes and the trends that are going to
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Mon voyage en anglettere (document en anglais).
a: arrival.We arrived in Folkestone at 5.00 am on Monday May 14 th . b:big ben is the biggest bell in the clock tower of the houses of parliament. c:chicken : my family often eats chicken and chips. I liked this. d:department store. In london we saw many department stores. They are big shops where we can buy every kind of thing.The most famous of them is Harrod's. e:exciting: it was very exciting to visit
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Devoir mathématiques 6Úme
Devoir de mathĂ©matiques sixiĂšmes n°3 NOM : PrĂ©nom : Date : Classe : 6 A B C D DurĂ©e : 50 minutes. La calculatrice est interdite. Exercice 1 : Pose et effectue les opĂ©rations suivantes puis indique le rĂ©sultat ci-dessous : (3,5 points) a) 797, + 1 478 + 23,6 = b) 2 574,3 â 697,72 = c) 203,7 x 1,7 = Exercice 2 : Ecris sous la forme dâun calcul en ligne (nâeffectue pas
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La DĂ©cathlon au Vietnam (document en anglais)
TABLE OF CONTENT 1. Overview of DECATHLON VIETNAM: 1.1. DECATHLON VIETNAM history1.2. Shares valued in DECATHLON VIETNAM1.3. Product Brand dedicated1.4. Product development cylce 2. Overview of Shoe Department: 2.1. Key dates2.2. Key figures2.3. SWOT matrix 3. Positioning strategy of KALENJI 3.1. Positioning3.2. KALENJIâ s segmentation3.3. Products 4. Brand identity of KALENJI5. New product development 5.1. Brand Extensions5.2. Reason for lauching a new product5.3. Identity of NEOFEEL5.4. Products 6. Marketing plan for 2008 6.1. For KALENJI-
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L'enseigne Ferrero (texte en anglais)
fdjsklĂč-History- Ferrero is an Italian manufacturer of chocolate and other confectionery products. It was founded by confectioner Pietro Ferrero in 1946 in Alba, Italy. The company saw a period of tremendous growth and success under Pietro's son Michele Ferrero, who in turn handed over the daily operations to his sons. His son Pietro (the founder's grandson), oversaw global business. -Today- Reputation Institute's 2009 survey ranks Ferrero as the most reputable company in the world. Ferrero
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Pensez-vous que vous ĂȘtes parfois manipulĂ© par la publicitĂ©? (document en anglais)
Do you agree that you are sometimes manipulated by advertising ? ïżŒ Yes I am manipulated by advertising but who is not ? Nobody because, in our society, as says Morgan Spurlock : « we swim in an ocean of advertising ». Indeed you can go anywhere, we will see ads: on billboards, in supermarkets, on the posters in the street, on your phone⊠Even at the house: on the TV, on radio, on newspappers, on internetâŠ
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Rapport d'activitĂ© - Ăclosion mondiales (document en anglais)
Executive summary The purpose of this report is to examine previous cases of pandemic outbreaks in the world, their economic effects, and their implications for a modern-day pandemic. Methods of analysis include previous case details, data collection from article, and courses I had a few years ago. First of all, previous cases of global outbreaks will be reviewed, in order to better understand the crucial impact of global outbreaks on world fate. Cases like the
2 216 Mots / 9 Pages -
La guerre des Etats-Unis contre le terrorisme (texte en anglais)
How the United States Justified Its War on Terrorism: Prime Morality and the Construction of a 'Just War' ABSTRACT: The just war theory is established for evaluating the morality of the military actions of states, to show the justness of their actions or they risk being perceived as an imperial projects. However, the actions of hegemonic powers use the rules of this theory: to avoid charges of immoral behaviours hegemonic powers use the just war
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Le luxe est-il adapté au commerce électronique? (document en anglais)
Is luxury suitable for e-retailing? Luxury is a very specific business. In fact, it is characterized by âglobal recognition, exclusivity, artisan heritage and reputed for quality, immaculate service and premium price.â (Jackson and Shaw, 2009). Nevertheless, Internet is currently the first medium, 93% ( of the population is daily using it, and therefore businesses cannot get rid of it. However, is luxury compatible with e-retailing? Initially milliner, Coco Chanel is the reference for luxury, she
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Dialogue en anglais
Hi Tessa! -Hi Fiona, how are you? -HmmâŠnot very well, I shall explain to you. But tell me how are the children? -Well, you know, they are very quiet and a little bit nostalgic because they very want to see you again and Bernard also is often absent ⊠-I miss them too and I do not stop thinking of them. I love them so much Tessa -Yes I know, it is very difficult... And
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Les Différences culturelles entre les américains et les français (document en anglais)
Cultural differences between American and French people Intro: I have decided to choose subject more different than the others, who âs speak about their activities or their country. So, my subject speaks about the cultural differences between the American and French people. I decided to choose this subject, because I think itâs more important to analyze different ideology in different society. Itâs whatâs for I choose two societies very famous : American society and French
747 Mots / 3 Pages