En Quoi Peut-on Dire Que Les Hommes Et Les Femmes Sont égaux De Nos Jours ? (rédaction En Anglais)
Compte Rendu : En Quoi Peut-on Dire Que Les Hommes Et Les Femmes Sont égaux De Nos Jours ? (rédaction En Anglais). Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar dissertation • 6 Mars 2014 • 362 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 683 Vues
To what extent can we say today that men and women are equal ?
Women rights, as time goes by, have changed. In the beginning, men had more rights than them. Women have been emancipated little by little.
So now, things have evolved. Before, women were considered as housekeepers, persons only there to cook, clean and have children. They were supposed to stay at home. The biggest change was made in January 1975 by Simone Veil, who legalized the right of abortion. Nowadays, we can see that men feel more concerned about house life than before. A lot of men are jobless and stay at home (to look after their children for example) while their wife is working.
In politic, progresses were made too. Politic was an affair of men, women weren’t allowed to give their opinion, vote, and they got the right to vote in France in 1944 under the presidency of Charles De Gaulle (which is way later than countries as Canada, United Kingdom, where women got this right is 1918).
But unfortunately, some things still need to change. First example, at work, the main problem concerns wages, men are better paid, and if we refer to statistics, they earn around 25% more than women for the same job. There are some jobs that women can’t reach because of the « glass ceiling », which is an invisible barrier that prevent them to be chief executive, manager, or higher post than theirs.
Second example, in sport. It is not the most obvious sector where we can see the inequalities, it’s true, but if we look more carefully at it, we can note that at the Olympic Games in 2012, french women won 15 medals and french men won 19 of it. There still is a predominance from men.
Third point, in politic, we haven’t seen a lot of feminine president since the existence of the Republic (5 women have taken power all around the world. There were more feminine minister (as Margaret Tatcher in the United Kingdom, Edith Cresson in France…)
We can conclude by saying that a lot of progress were made, but there still are changes to make. Battles were won but not the war.