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Intrapreneurship and CSR: towards a sustainable innovative approach

Dissertation : Intrapreneurship and CSR: towards a sustainable innovative approach. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  1 Mars 2019  •  Dissertation  •  7 958 Mots (32 Pages)  •  646 Vues

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         Your name: Barthe Pierre-louis                                                 Class ID: 101209244

         Date:  01/11/2018                                                                       Signature: [pic 1]


Final research paper, Knowledge Management

Intrapreneurship and CSR: towards a sustainable innovative approach

[pic 2]

Executive summary:

    This paper is about analysing the importance of intrapreneurship nowadays and to what extent it is a core subject in the corporate social responsibility. To start let’s give a quick definition of what is intrapreneurship. This concept has been made from entrepreneurship and improved in order to benefit businesses. As a matter of fact, “the intrapreneur is the entrepreneur not of companies but of innovative projects within a company and acts, like his entrepreneurship model, in a risky context that requires quick responses to seize opportunities”.

As mentioned below, innovation takes a big role in the intrapreneurship process and leads to a change within the state of mind of both employees and managers. In fact, the references used in this paper raise the importance of managing the troops and consequently taking aim at the thrive of innovative projects. On the other hand, innovation has unfortunately side effects impacting the environment and generating some negatives externalities that we must counter. This leads to thinking that innovation takes also a big part in the sustainability approach and can be reversed to benefit the sustainable development, instead of damaging it. Indeed, sustainability becomes a crucial practice to the environmental conservation of the world for the future generations. The aim of this kind of practices falls within the development of a good corporate social responsibility. Companies tend to improve their operating process to foster the sustainable development as much as possible. Intrapreneurship includes tools allowing to take advantage from the innovation process and therefore undertaking successful projects, for the sake of arguments, without for all that affecting the environment.

We must therefore show the importance of intrapreneurship to our modern world. And encourage companies to set it up in their organization. In order to sensitize companies, it is therefore important to aware them of the benefits that intrapreneurship can represent, and to prevent any potential obstacles they must counter.

Moreover, intrapreneurship contributes to the improvement of the social responsibility of a corporation and helps maintaining a good renown. At some point it boosts the innovation process and makes it vital for firms to succeed without harming the society.

Table of contents:


I) CSR and innovation

  • 1.1: Are innovation and CSR linked?

  • 1.2: Innovation is crucial for sustainability
  • 1.3: CSR: a responsible commitment of the company

II) Intrapreneurship: An Innovative Dynamic Process

  • 2.1: Characteristics and scope of intrapreneurship

  • 2.2: Context of Emergence of Entrepreneurial Practices 

III) How set up an Intrapreneurship approach within company

  • 3.1) Entrepreneurship versus Intrapreneurship

  • 3.2) Implementation of Intrapreneurship concept within company
  • 3.3) Obstacles and impediments of Intrapreneurship

Conclusion and Implications




    The intrapreneur is the entrepreneur not of companies but of innovative projects within a company and acts, like his entrepreneur model, in a risky context that requires quick responses to seize opportunities. Innovation is a great catalyst for the company, enabling it to create value and keep it. The concept of innovation is the realization and commercialization of an idea: innovation must be technically feasible and economically viable. However, developing products or services only in-house is practically not feasible or perhaps financially very expensive. The option increasingly adopted by companies is the search for cooperation by outsourcing function or setting up partnerships. The sharing of tasks between partner companies is most often the least expensive solution.

In fact, intrapreneurs are the pillars of an innovation management, but they are never easy individuals to "manage". The main principles of innovation management are to set up processes that facilitate the development of products of course, but also creative services and processes that allow the organization to adapt quickly. Another imperative of enterprise innovation is to leave employees free to innovate. As a matter of fact, innovation management must answer two fundamental issues. First, the goal of this type of management is to master processes. This implies being able to control the cost of an innovation, but also its duration, its result, and its truly original character. Secondly, it is a good way to promote a favorable attitude to innovation at all levels of the company. On the other hand, there is a tight relationship between innovation and corporate social responsibility. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been receiving increasing attention in the literature for a decade. This literature has focused on the different dimensions and measurement criteria of CSR, on the determinants of its adoption, on the specificities of CSR in SMEs, and on the link between CSR and company performance. Our goal is to explore the relationship between CSR and innovation and their contribution to intrapreneurship, by focusing on identifying the potential specificities of SMEs. Research in strategic management has shown a potentially strong relationship between innovation and CSR or between CSR and Sustainable Development. Companies are developing two treatments of the relationship between CSR and innovation. For the most innovative ones, CSR is clearly geared towards technological innovation and the possibility of contributing to the competitive advantage. Most often, companies try to do things differently in a way that best serves customers.


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