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Chronologie : Recherche sur actualite. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  1 Septembre 2015  •  Chronologie  •  2 246 Mots (9 Pages)  •  717 Vues

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                    Influence of Advertising on Society






  Our research is aiming to determine impacts of advertising on our society, regardless gender or age. We collected information from websites found in BANQ and our survey created on Survey Monkey website. After analyzing all data we can conclude that more vulnerable groups in modern society are women, kids with obesity problem and people with low self-esteem. It is clear that advertisements affecting lifestyle by imposing new norm and standards. We have to acknowledged the fact that commercials are addictive and people have tendency to follow them. We recommend people be sceptical and rational to all commercials coming from TV and Internet. We are inviting you to read our research and join us. (Bogdan)


The main goal of our research is to find influence of advertising on modern society and identify most vulnerable groups. Advertisement is a part of our daily life, commercial announcements coming from the TV, radio stations, Internet, newspapers, billboards, posters on the buses and publisacs. Companies spending millions of dollars to make their products recognizable and desirable for customers. They are using all known methods to attract attention of all social classes and groups. Advertising became an Industry with multi billions budget. According statistics Canada report, operating revenues for the advertising and related services industry increased in 2.9% to $7.1 billion between 2011 and 20121. It is naive to believe that all those money company spending for nothing. Many people want to be in trend and look like celebrities. In fact we are all affected, more or less. (Bogdan)

  Then we concentrated on the techniques that companies use to acquire maximum attention to their product. Since the main goal of every commercial is being viewed by more people as possible, the most obvious method is to spam with the same advertisement very frequently. But in case of overuse of this technique, it can create opposite effects on the sales. Also, according to Consumerism," However, as the years have progressed, the sophistication of advertising methods and techniques has advanced, enticing and shaping and even creating consumerism and needs where there has been none before, or turning luxuries into necessities."2 In this regard, advertising companies are trying to use famous people such as actors, artists and even athletes in their commercials. They are making an attempt to convince regular customers to associate some well-known brands with successful people. These types of advertisements discreetly compel us to accept and follow such seductive idea, that buying those goods can bring happiness and triumph to our life.   (Bogdan)

 Our last interest was on the idea who’s more affected by influence of commercials. Often, advertising companies aim to interest children, who become easily influenced. Afterward children put much pressure on their parents and force them to buy mostly useless goods. According to Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine,” Though the findings are heavily qualified, the authors conclude that advertising to children does have an adverse effect on food preferences, purchasing behavior and consumption.”3, by consequence we can see a huge growth of kids with o;besity, heart-diseases and diabetes. Sadly, kids are very little control of this situation since the main influence is coming from society and parents. Also, another huge category of people who gets negatively influence by advertising are women. Because advertising, particularly for fashion and cosmetics, has a powerful effect on how woman see herself and how she think she should look. Cosmetic advertisements frequently use retouched images to make models appear more "perfect" than they are, it often causes problems with self-esteem of women.  (Bogdan)

Nowadays we are surrounded by all kinds of new technologies that control us. We all want to fit in our society and we fear to be different. That's where advertising plays a big role in our urge to be accepted. Advertising influences us by showing us what's trendy and by using celebrities to promote a product so that we think the stars use this product and that way they convince us to buy it so that we think we will look just like the famous people. (Mandeep)

Another interesting fact you wanted to know was what type of advertising has the most influence. I searched on the internet and found interesting facts that even though various forms technology have taken place television always stays on the first point. Ads are more likely grabbing attention when they are on TV.  As mentioned in the text  “ What type of advertising has the more influence ?”4 ,  the search the made deducts that 83%  of the population says that television has most impact on their buying decision ? ( Mandeep)


For our main source of information concerning advertising we used BANQ and some famous newspapers like Forbes. After careful analyse of 4 texts, newspapers, magazines and annual reports found in BANQ, we decided to formulate 3 main points that covers advertising subject and its influence. After formulating our hypothesis we decided to use SurveyMonkey to confirm our hypothesis. We used Facebook and mio to get maximum attention to our survey and get valuable data to analyze. When we received final data we made a conclusion with using obtained graphics. (Bogdan)

After searching in BANQ we decided to check out other sources to find out if our hypothesis can be clearly verified by more than one website. We then found various studies already made on advertisements. After gathering all the information we formed our questions and then posted them on Survey Monkey we kept the survey open for at least two weeks, to let us gather a big number of responses. We then reached 50 people we thought it will be enough and we had a good proportion of male and female, that helped a lot to categorize them and easily confirm our hypothesis. ( Mandeep)


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