Talking about pollution
Commentaires Composés : Talking about pollution. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar btsam2 • 30 Avril 2013 • 588 Mots (3 Pages) • 1 060 Vues
1-what is the reason for the rising pollution.
There are more and more cars and as there are more and more poeple around the world . Besides with globalization,people travel more by plane ..The emerging countries such as China have developed their industrial sectors and they pollute a lot since they don’t comply with strict standards.Efforts to reduce pollution have proved ineffective so far since( because) the world’s largest industrial countries didnd’t come to an agreement at the Copenhagen and Kyoto summits . Some countries like the uSA refuse dto sign agreement to reduce their carbon footprints (emissions). The release of carbon gaz in the atmosphere causes the depletion ( diminuation ) of the ozone layer ( couche d’ozone) and consequently global warming ( rechauffement planétaire ) .
2)-Consequence ?
Global warming has disatrous effects , for example , over the past few years , we have been exposed to climate changes because the ice cap( calote polaire ) is melting ( fondre) and it affects the sea streams ( courants marins) .Some animal and vegetal species ( especes ) are disapearing becasuse of global warming . In africa, many countries have been hit ( frappés ) by droughts( secheresses),as a result peopelcannot raise cattle ( elever du betail )or grow cereals or vegetable( faire pousser des legumes et des cereales).Consequently , we have witnessed ( etre temoin) of famines in some very poor African areas.
Another consequence of the rising pollution is the development of allergies and respiratory diseases.( maladies respiratoires )
3)Possible solutions ?
First people should be made aware ( on devrait faire prendre conscience aux gens ) that they have to change theirliving habits ( style de vie).people have to be more careful( attentifs ). In our daily life , we can take easy measure such as :
- sorting out waste ( trier les déchets )
- switching off the lights
- using economic bulbs( ampoules eco )
- taking a shower(douche) instead of a bath
- using organic products( produits bio) because no pesticide and fertilizers are used in the organic crops ( cultures bio )
- using public transportation or bikes instead of ( au lieu de ) our car
- using –pooling ( =car-sharing :co-voiturage)
- avoid using packagins which cannot be recycled
- avoid using four wheel drive vehicles
- avoid printing documents
The governments should also take measures to compel( obliger) the companies to be less polluting . Companies should be fined (lettre mis àl’amende ) when they pollute too much .Now companies can buy carbon credits , it means that