Recherche Sur Mars
Guide pratique : Recherche Sur Mars. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar DIDOU123456789 • 17 Décembre 2014 • Guide pratique • 242 Mots (1 Pages) • 641 Vues
Equipment : For stay in Mars we have to wear a special equipment which is composed of a protecting suit, a helmet with oxygen inside to breathe, we also have special shoes, blades can be extracted to ice skate, we have gloves to protect our hands.
In our course in Mars there is two differents part. In the first one we can do sport and after in the second one we can do a visit of beautifuls volcanoes of Mars.
First part : We do jumping ice skate on the polar ice caps. First we skate as fast as we can and after 10 m we jump and because there isn’t gravity we go very hight and far. The aim is to go the furthest. We can also win some good points when we do exceptional acrobatics like rolls or others in the air.
After that we dive in the water and we try to do an artistic plunge to win other good points. To finish it we arrive to the arrival and we count how many points we have wan thanks to acrobatics and we look at the time we have taken to do the course.
Second part : After sport, we are we are tired so we can visit volcanoes of Mars to relax after that. There are many different volcanoes in this planet some of them are actives and others arte inactives so we can visit only this ones this volcanoes are breathtaking.