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Progres Technologique

Rapports de Stage : Progres Technologique. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  4 Mars 2015  •  674 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 094 Vues

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We will talk about the technological progress, including progress on social network. In the first part we show the advantage of social media. Then we would come to speak of the disadvantage of social networks.

There are many benefits of social networks,

An advantage of social networks is that they are free and easy to communicate with other means. We can communicate with friends and family members from around the world almost immediately. In addition, social networks, like Facebook, are a good way to keep in touch with old and new friends. You can share your thoughts, photos, videos, etc., with all their friends with the click of a button.

Social networks are a useful tool for businesses as well as young. They allow businesses to have direct contact with their customers. Most companies have their own Facebook page or twitter account where they can inform customers of new products or special offers as well as receive feedback from customers. The social networks offer companies a great advertising



But also, there are disadvantages of social networks. They can be very addictive. There are people who need to be on these sites every hour or every minute! This can create serious problems for them. Many students find it difficult to study because they are too distracted by their Facebook. Other people can take of late for work because they are too busy with social networks.

Many people who use these sites do not know if they are public or private. Often, people put photos on their page that they do not want everyone to see . It is important to be aware of the confidentiality of such sites.

To conclude, the social networks can be useful for communication but has some drawback.Once you understand the advantages and disadvantages of social networking, then you can cruise through without fail.

Passons donc à nos vies personnelles , la technologie a fondamentalement changé nos relations et la façon dont nous communiquons avec les autres . De plus en plus de gens ont tendance à envoyer un message texte plutôt que de prendre le téléphone pour appeler un ami . Nous pouvons vous tenir au courant avec des amis anciens et nouveaux sur leurs pages Facebook ou Twitter plutôt que de réellement rencontrer pour parler face à face . En effet, l'utilisation croissante de la technologie est de réduire les cas de contact avec les autres : nous dépensons plus de temps avec nos relations virtuelles que réelles celles . Bien sûr, le danger est que nous ne savons jamais combien ya de vrai dans les informations que nous lisons sur les gens. Protection des renseignements personnels et les informations échangées sur Internet est en effet un sujet brûlant pour le moment. Beaucoup de gens mettent détails et d'informations sur des blogs ou autres sites Web sans penser à qui sera en mesure de les lire. Blogs qui remplacent les journaux et les salles de chat en ligne qui remplacent les cafés ouvrent nos vies au reste du monde d'une manière très inquiétante .

Moving on then, to our personal lives, technology has fundamentally changed our relationships and the way we communicate with others. More and more people tend to send a text message rather than pick up the phone


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