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Thèse : SCIENTIFIC PREVENTION. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  3 Octobre 2019  •  Thèse  •  547 Mots (3 Pages)  •  453 Vues

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   What is an STI (sexually transmitted infection)? :

     Sexually Transmitted Infections are infections caused by microbes (viruses, bacteria , parasites) that can be transmitted more or less easily during sexual relation.The main STIs are: HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, condyloma, vaginosis, genital herpes, hepatitis. Of these 8 infections, 4 can be cured syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and trichomoniasis. The other 4 are incurable viral infections: hepatitis B, herpes virus (herpes virus simplex or HSV), HIV, and human papillomavirus (HPV).

For example the case of an STI called Syphilis:

What are the symptoms of Syphilis ? Syphilis is caused by a bacterium: the pale treponema. You can have syphilis without knowing it. Some people develop symptoms while others do not. Symptoms or not, if you have syphilis you can pass it on to other people and also become seriously sick.[pic 2]

(the bacterium responsible for the dangerous sexually transmitted

 infection syphilis ,Rights-Managed, artist: Science Faction)[pic 3]

The different step of the infection :

The infection develops in three stages and the symptoms are different at each stage.

        -1st step: between 10 and 90 days after the infection. Possible appearance of a chancre (small painless wound) on the skin or the mucous membranes (penis, glans, testicles, clitoris, vagina, anus, nipples, rectum, lips, mouth, throat) .The chancre will disappear without treatment after 3 to 6 weeks.

        -2nd step: sometimes appearing simultaneously with the canker, but can appear several years after the infective contact.Rashes (chest, back, and typically: palms and soles, genital area). Possible joint and muscle pain, fever and / or hair loss in patches.

        -3rd step: approximately 30 years after infective contact.Severe lesions of vital organs and nervous system (heart, brain, eyes and bones)

           How syphilis can be transmitted by sexual contact (oral, anal, vaginal, penis) ,by contact with a skin lesion, blood (sharing needles) and transmission from mother to child.

           But this STI can be treated, how?

Syphilis is treated with antibiotics, usually given as injections. Treatment may be accompanied by fever. Six months after treatment, a blood test will be needed to confirm that the treatment has been effective.

[pic 4]

But you may be wondering? How to protect yourself? Well it's very simple ! :

Condom or square of latex for penetrations and oral sex , clean material in case of injections , avoid contact with first and second step skin lesions.

Get tested for syphilis regularly if you have more than one sexual partner.


            So track yourself and protect yourself!

 For more information you can contact Sida'sos

  -organization for the prevention of STI / AIDS. - 02/303 82 14

Written by the scientist Le Meur Lucas and Chelmi Noah.

[pic 5]


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