Consequences of individual unemployment - sociologie du chômage en anglais
Étude de cas : Consequences of individual unemployment - sociologie du chômage en anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar hugo.collin • 17 Septembre 2017 • Étude de cas • 332 Mots (2 Pages) • 771 Vues
Individual consequences of unemployment
Unemployment can have very bad consequences on a person.
First of all, unemployment worsens health.
It can cause mental and physical health problems such as depression, anxiety and it can also reduce life expectancy in the worst cases. Having mental health problems obviously reduce the chances of getting hired. Finally, it lowers life expectancy. Being unemployed can bring the person to withdraw and stop every social relations which is also a bad thing for a human being.
In the worst cases, it can push people to suicide. As a matter of fact, between 2000 and 2011, unemployment has caused approximately 45.000 deaths all around the world, according to The Guardian.
The fact of losing a kind of routine such as waking up in the morning, getting dressed up in time, etcetera, can also disrupt the person.
Having a loss of incomes can also increase the stress of social deprivation : being unable to pay for his children’s education such as studies, complementary lessons, being unable to take care of his children’s health and pay for medicines or even feeding them.
Decreases the self esteem of the person who has lost his job.
Unemployment provokes many negative multiplier effects.
The more a person is unemployed, more the problems they face can be important. And more the problems are importants, more it is difficult to get a job. Because of that, there are unemployed persons that can't find a new job : They have been unemployed for too long and they aren’t competent any more.
Unemployment of one, or two, parents can cause troubles to the entire family.
Unemployment of the parents can worry the children. And the inability to take care of their family because of the loss of incomes provokes stress to the parents. This stress creates a vicious circle into the familial relationships, because the two parts are mutually stressed. Because of that, many families have social, and relational problems when one or two parent(s) loses his job. Unemployment also increases the risk of divorce.