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Why we need a variety of architectures ?

Dissertation : Why we need a variety of architectures ?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  29 Mars 2013  •  Dissertation  •  651 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 024 Vues

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Almost anything can be branded: products, services,

people, places, even ideas. For example a product like Iphone is a brand, service like turkishairline, people like mickael Jackson or the ideas of Martin luther king.

Most of brands welknown belong to a central brand like Nestle with kitkat, nescafe and smarties or Unilever with Axe, Knorr and Dove


For first The brand architecture is the study of the different configurations of a brand

To fully understand in what way architecture is important for a brand

we must first ask ourselves a question before launching a new product : should the brand be developed as independent entity, or might it benefit from being built into a more uniform architecture?

Target markets:

Is the brand is similar or different than the precedents markets I use ?

We can answer to this question by analyzing the target customers

Brand definitions: are the values expressed the brand and expected by the customer are similar or different than the precedent I use.

After analyzing my future brand with this matrix I have 4 options :

mark or sub-brand : The initial brand is strong enough but the market is different so we use the name of the brand but we add something more to differentiate the products. For example Rover 25 45 and 75 brands of car market where the essential values that define the brand are appreciated by all its customers, but some of them want a small car, others a medium car, and others a luxury model.

product brand :Unilever is a central brand of a lot of variety products but they made PERSIL a brand of washing product and Cif a brand of dishwashing liquid. The reason is that each brand targets a unique customer group, and each brand has a unique definition. An other example is withbread a chain of different restaurant like pizzat hut and 7 more.

validated identity brand : kellogg’s made cereals but some for child and some for adults who care about their health

corporate brand : if a big business establishes a ‘good’ reputation then it can of course transfer that to a good brand image so a business can become a brand, and express certain values through. Like apple with their phone and computer or Yamaha in Japan with motorbike, piano or yatch or Virgin with music, flight etc.

There is two synergies; economic and brand value. The most important think in corporate brand is to transfer uniform and consistent brand values across those different markets and thanks to this phenomenon the business could make economies of scales.

There is a risk with corporate brand, the risk is that what could happen if one of the product begin a bad thing in the mind of consumers. They certainly won’t buy the other products from the same business because they probably will think that all products are as bad as the one they have rejected.


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