- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Myth and hero: why do we need a hero?

Cours : Myth and hero: why do we need a hero?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  4 Avril 2017  •  Cours  •  516 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 243 Vues

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First we will say what is "myth and hero", a hero is a real or fictional character who made history or daily life, which made important acts that deserve to be valued. The word "myth" has a universal dimension. His story is often transmitted orally and sometimes it is embodied by a hero or a community. we may wonder Why do we need a hero ? In a first time we will see the heroes of everyday, in a second time we will see the ordinary heroes and Finally we will see the imaginary heroes.

There may be several heroes, in the video document "a hero's journey" seen in class a hero would be a normal person who would one day be called upon to achieve extraordinary and dangerous acts like kill a dragon. Once its mission is accomplished he returns to his normal life but he has changed. In real life this means that one day we can have to accomplish a mission and fight our fears, for example audition at school or declaring his feeling to someone. Everyone can become a hero of everyday life because what defines it is his courage and his ability to surpass. In this example we can talk about Rosa Parks, an ordinary black woman who became a heroine because she had not let his place in the bus to a white woman and she is engaged in the fight against racial segregation in the USA. So heroes are vectors of courage and determination, it allows people to move forward in their lives.

A hero can also be defined differently, for example in the poster of the movie Bridget Jone's Diary, we can see BJ the main femal character. It is an ordinary woman who does nothing extraordinary contrast to the definition of hero seen previously. She is in her mid thirties, she is single ans she can't make a decision and stick to it. She is moody and has nothing in common with the usual heroes. But even if it has no power or special talent, she is a heroine to which all people can identify and people need somebody to identify.

Finally, a hero can also be imaginary. In a poster of the film « A game of Shadow » we can see the 2 main characters : Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. Sherlock Holmes is a very famous private detective in London and Dr.Watson his close friends. He investigate all kind of murders and always finds the solution. Is a hero beaucause he is very intelligent, perspicacious and can face any danger. As we have heard in an audio interview of an old lady about Sherlock Holmes, she said SH scared of nothing, he was able to fight a dog or a supernatural being. He is more than a hero and above all he is brave. It makes people dream, it is a kind of model that we want to look like.

So people need a hero because it teaches us many values. Furethermore, we can identify to him or admire him which leads to become better, to improve us.


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