Une marque (document en anglais)
Commentaire de texte : Une marque (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar chloe.jajko • 12 Janvier 2015 • Commentaire de texte • 835 Mots (4 Pages) • 791 Vues
I. Brand’s presentation
I.a) History
The idea:
Innocent was founded in 1998 by three Cambridge University graduates: Richard Reed, Adam Balon and Jon Wright. After their studies on Smoothies recipes during 6 months, they decided to evaluate with a funny way if their brand got potential.
They sold their drinks from a stall at a music festival in London and asked to their consumers to judge if they believe in the project and if the trio should quit their jobs: if yes put in the “YES” bin, if no put in the “ NO” bin. At the end, the “YES” bin was full and the “NO” one was almost empty.
The struggled part of the project:
After getting hopes during the” festival test”, they tried to convince investors but they screw up eleven times but never gave up.
Here comes the lucky day, when they crossed the road of Maurice Pinto, a wealthy American business man who decided to invest 250000 pounds on the project.
The choice of the name:
At the beginning, the name was “nude” to reflect the simplicity of the project and the natural side of their approach.
But they decided to change the name, we can guess the reason is the old name doesn’t reflect all the values.
After 9 months of hesitation, they found the ideal name : Innocent.
It better represents some commitments like the fact they don’t impact the environment, the eco-system, the using of natural products. It’s more representative about their willingness to act to fight against hunger, inequality.
I.b) Defining the brand essence
Since the beginning of the launching, the brand successfully managed and developed his business/image:
• As soon as the company came on the market, there was a deal with McDonalds. McDonalds signed in 2007 a five years contract with Innocent to incorporate beverages in their happy meal. We can suppose that McDonalds found an interest to add natural products developed by an ethical brand to improve their own image, because of all the bad reputations that McDonalds suffers since many years.
• In 2008, revenue for the company declined as a result of the global financial crisis which led to an overall loss of 8.6 million pounds.
• In 2009, Innocent sold a stake of about 10-20% to the Coca-Cola Company. This news impacted the ethical image of the brand because of the very contradictory bad image of Coca-Cola.
• In 2010, the red label company increased its stakes from 20% to almost 60%, for an amount of 65Million pounds and to 90% in 2013.
To conclude this part, we can say that the company has worked on its image since the beginning of the creation.
Brand essence pyramid :
When you create a