Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 Ps3
Rapports de Stage : Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 Ps3. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar dissertation • 9 Mars 2014 • 556 Mots (3 Pages) • 713 Vues
After a long time without upgrading my Top Anime OPs, I decided to upload a whole new video with 250 differents openings to all you...
So, check the rules before view the video:
Rule # 1 - Only one video per franchise
Ex: DB/DBZ/DBGT/DBZ KAI = only one OP for all
Naruto/Shippuden/Shounen-hen = only one OP for all
Fullmetal Alchemist/FMA Brotherhood = only one OP for all
Rule # 2 - Non movies OPs... OVA's OPs are allowed, even if they got a cinematic opening.
Rule # 3 - All OPs had they previous ranked RESETED if compared with the olders videos. So, stopping complain why the "y" OP got ranked lower in this video if in the previous video was ranked higher...
That's all for the rules.
Comments from the Uploader: This will be "probably" my last Top Anime video, since I don't have any motivation to make a "year Top Anime" (too many peoples are doing this), but it does mean that I'll stoping to make any more videos (check below for more informations)...
Program used: Sony Vegas 12.0 Pro
Others comments: Over 350 Openings were watched and listed in my pre-lists. Before complain if your OP aren't here, ask before it got, at least, in the pre-list. I'll not take any complain about the ranks, so be aware of this.
Also, before you guys keeping asking, I haven't watched all of this animes. I guess I couldn't see half of this, but "to know" an anime and "to watch" an anime are two different things...
Laws and Copyrights: I don't own any of the franchises, musics, images or other things in this video. Please support the oficials releases. This is only a fan art's work. It'll not have any lucrative ending.
Mistake Note: I just make a mistake in the number 127 - Nana's OP. The correct it's OP3 - "Lucy" (by Anna Tsuchiya). This was corrected in the Annotations, so just activate them to see.
Next Project: No date yet... It'll be a Top Game or Visual Novel OP (I still not decided, so I'm guessing that'll be a Visual Novel OP). But, if by any chance, I got an offer to participate into an anime channel or something like that, I'll drop of this project... So, any of you guys, who want any help or recommendation in your project, just send me a MP... Also, if someone got a good recommendation for a Game or Visual Novel OP, just write in the comments that I'll check later...
Final words: I know that's a long speech and a long vide, but I'd some things that I liked to explain before (or after) checking the video. I'm sorry if my english has some flaws in any point (if any of you still not noticed, english isn't my native language), so don't bothering me about this.
Also I don't have words to express my thanks to