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Fanfiction en anglais sur Naruto

TD : Fanfiction en anglais sur Naruto. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  29 Mars 2012  •  TD  •  925 Mots (4 Pages)  •  1 530 Vues

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It was now night time in the Village Hidden in the Leaves as Tsunade the Fifth Hokage was still doing paperwork. She placed her pen down as she stretched out her arms into the air and then looked outside.

“It’s night time already? The day sure went by fast,” Tsunade said to herself.

Tsunade was all by herself in her office because her assistant Shizune was out in the town enjoying her day off so Tsunade was by herself in the office.

Before she could grab her pen again Tsunade had to stretch her arms for a little bit more because she had been writing for mostly the entire day. She could have just slacked off today but didn’t want to get caught.

While still in her blue spinning chair Tsunade turned her chair around as she was staring at most parts of the village.

“So some people are still awake huh,” Tsunade said to herself.

There were many lights that were on in the village as she continued to stare out at the village. Just then Tsunade let out a big yawn as she stretched her arms out again and then placed them on her chair.

“Well it is night time so I guess I can get a good night sleep,” said Tsunade as she hopped out of her chair and was heading out her office.

She then turned to the right of the hallway as she was walking towards her room which wasn’t that far. When she made another turn there was a door to her right and that is where her room was.

She opened the door to her room as she stared at the floor because her bed was only a long cover sheet and a big pillow but Tsunade didn’t care as long as she got some sleep. She then kneeled to the floor as she went into her sheets.

“I don’t *yawn* feel like changing my clothes or taking my *yawn* black heels off so I’ll just go *yawn* to sleep,” said Tsunade as she placed her head on her pillow and fell asleep while lying on her stomach.

Just then a figure appeared in front of Tsunade’s feet and the figure was none other than Shizune as she kneeled down to Tsunade’s black heels.

“I don’t know why I’m going to do this. But then again today is my day off,” Shizune thought as she started unbuckling Tsunade’s black heel.

Once unbuckled Shizune removed Tsunade’s black heels to show off her bare feet. Then Shizune made a Shadow Clone of herself as that clone got on her kneels as well.

Shizune took a deep breathe as she and her clone moved closer to Tsunade’s feet as they started licking her heel back and forth. Tsunade’s feet twitched a little but she didn’t wake up.

Shizune and her clone continued to lick back and forth on Tsunade’s heels and for once in Shizune’s life she actually liked to like on Tsunade’s heels because if her clone was licking she would be licking double.

They continued to lick Tsunade’s heels for at least three minutes and then Shizune and her clone started licking up and down her soles while Tsunade continued to lie on her stomach as she slept.

“Hey…that…tickles,” Tsunade murmured in her sleep as she was now lying on her back.



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