TD : LES PRONOMS RELATIFS EN ANGLAIS. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Vince7 • 14 Décembre 2016 • TD • 601 Mots (3 Pages) • 850 Vues
1. Read the sentences. _ LES PRONOMS RELATIFS
Cirlce the relative pronoun.
Underline the antecedent.
l. 27-28 : « Nathaniel longed to ( ...)send his son to a Negro University which had opened in Indiana in 1835. »
l. 32 to 34 : « (…) he set out alone on the underground railroad, which was a secret escape route for Southern slaves trying to go North. »
l. 47-48 : « President Lincoln, who had already declared all slaves to be free in 1863, abolished slavery for ever. »
l. 50 to 53 : « Unfortunately, this abolition was only just the beginning of the black fight for equal rights, which was taken up by Martin Luther King (...)»
2. Complete : WHICH ? WHO ? THAT ? WHEN ? WHOSE ? O ?
a. Slaves were people ...who / that .......... had no rights.
b. 1619 is the year ....when.... the first African slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia.
c. Slavery was an institution .......that / which........... was abolished in 1865 in the USA.
d. 1863 is the year .........when............... President Lincoln made the Emancipation Proclamation.
e. Lincoln was the President .......who........... proclaimed the end of slavery.
f. Lincoln, ..........who........ was assassinated in1863, is represented on the five-dollars bills.
g. Lincoln, ...........whose........... Memorial is in Washington DC, near the White House, is one of the most famous American presidents.
h. Lincoln is the president …that / o / whom.... I most admire.
Conclusion : antécédent humain : …..WHO.......... ou ….........THAT.............. antécédent non humain : …......WHICH............. ou THAT............................. pour traduire « dont » : ...........WHOSE. pour parler d'un moment : …......WHEN lorsque le relatif n'est pas sujet, on peut utiliser O . (on trouvera aussi whom qui tend à disparaître, on utilise de plus en plus souvent who dans tous les cas). |
III. Make 1 sentence out of 2 :
a. Escaped slaves had to take the underground railroad*. Taking the underground railroad was very dangerous.
b. Lincoln* was from a poor family. Lincoln was famous for his honesty.
c. In the South, slavery* was replaced by segregation. Slavery was abolished in 1865.
d. After 1865, in the South, laws* were passed. These laws separated Blacks and Whites.