Small and Medium enterprises
Fiche : Small and Medium enterprises. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar Victor Herbert • 31 Janvier 2019 • Fiche • 1 778 Mots (8 Pages) • 571 Vues
Fiche de révision partiel SME
International trade :
Small size doesn’t affect SMEs’ international trade, but limits the scope
Small size = limited presence in foreign countries
Vision of Owner/manager is a determinant factor, more than the size
Refusal to trade abroad:
o Ignorance of procedures/cultures
o Risk with export
o No international trade/marketing knowledge
o Not for/against I.Trade
o Stimuli necessary to provoke outcome
Willing to go international:
o More and more leaders consider going abroad
Leader position towards going international:
o Pressure from competition
o Overstock/overproduction
o Declining local demand/sales or saturated market
o Transportation hub proximity
o Government incentives
Entrepreneurship in Québec and Canada
85% of net jobs created by SMEs
75% CA businesses employ <19 employees
Organizational knowledge ≥ speed of environmental changes
SME = company managed by its owner, less than 500 employees, usually more than 4 employees. Needs to be independent.
Entrepreneurs: bring some innovation
Intrapreneurs: act as entrepreneurs in their organization
Extrapreneurs: intrapreneurs that started
In a VSE, O-L manage and perform most tasks
Autonomous workers: self-employed, usually works alone, often in networks
Mouse (Survival)
o Small and stable
o Management: continuity and sustainability
Gazelle (Fast growth)
o Management: innovation, differentiation
and globalization
Elephant (Conservative)
o Big and not very innovative
o Management: classic management,
focused on control. Intrapreneurs needed
Characteristics of a leader:
In VSE and SOHO:
o Entrepreneur: adaptable, bootstrapper
o Manager: competence in sales and communication
In a SE:
o Manager: manages and delegates
o Business person: negotiation, network builder, rain maker (multitasking)
In a ME:
o Leader: marketing outlook, growth acumen (perspicace)
Characterization of the SME using Proximity definition
4 possible production universes for SMEs
A mix of proximity
Hierarchical Proximity = Leading role of the owner –> personalization of management
Functional proximity= Low specialization of tasks
Time proximity= ST informal strategy
IS Proximity= Direct and simple communication system
Marketing proximity= Direct contact with clients
Financial proximity= Concentration of ownership in the hands of the leader -> perso + pro limits are unclear
Space proximity = high territorial insertion
Entrepreneurial qualities = Intuitive, Risk Manager, Visionary, Confident, Negotiator, Qualified Needs to take good decisions and master the situation
Entrepreneurial culture: Confident (feel equal), Motivation (wish for sthg), Effort (be willing to work), Responsibility (do what has to be done), Initiative (Taking action) , Perseverance (finish what is started), Solidarity (collaborate for common obj.), Team spirit (create with others, synergy), Resourcefulness (bootstrap), Determination (focus on obj. And LT vision)
Proxemic principle:
International dvpt = law of proxemic.
An SME exports Activities start with geo/écon. Country nearby.
Internat. Exp = risk to export to further country.
Many assets are associated with the resources and competences that are anchored with experience. These relationships are not easily transferred.
The choice of the successor buyer:
- Intern Segment: close to the owner-leader, directors, employees
- Immediate segment: Client, partner, accountant, suppliers
- Extern segment: open to everyone
Growth: Majority of growth models can be interpreted as a conception of proxemic:
From small (niche) to large and risky (diversification)
Recruitment: In general, smaller comp. favour proxemic in HRM. Prefers to use his own “directory book” to recruit instead of using third parties
Financing method: self-financing, love money, bank loans, external financing/venture cap
SME favors ST financing and ST profitability. Relationship btwn owner/bankers