Key Reasons Why Small Businesses Fail
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Key Reasons Why Small Businesses Fail
Commissioned by liB-Business Support Americas
Submitted By Silas Titus
Accredited Associate of The Institute for Independent Business
The significant role of small business in the U.S. economy suggests that an understanding
of why small businesses fail (or are successful) is crucial to the stability and health of the
U.S. economy. For this discussion we will define Small Business1to be an enterprise that
is independently owned and operated for profie that is not dominant in its industry.
It is widely agreed that the growth of small businesses contributes greatly to the nation's
economic expansion. Entrepreneurship is linked to creation of jobs, increases in
productivity, and improvements of living standards, and to economic growth in the
United States in general3. Small businesses help create new jobs, introduce new products
and provide specialized expertise to large corporations. Small firms represent about 99
percent of employers, employ about half of the private sector workforce and are
responsible for about two-thirds to three-quarters of the net new jobs4.
Unfortunately, according to the U.S. Small Business Administration, over 50% of small
businesses fail in the first year and 95% fail within the first five years5• "Businesses with
fewer than 20 employees have only a 37% chance of surviving four years (of business)
and only a 9% chance of surviving 10 years", reports Dun & Bradstreet and of these
failed businesses, only 10% of them close involuntarily due to bankruptcy and the
remaining 90% close because the business was not successful, did not provide the level
of income desired, or was too weak to continue6.
The purpose of this paper is to better understand why small businesses fail and how those
causes can be avoided. At the end, a framework is presented to evaluate the existing
resources and understand their influence on the factors of failure from a firm level. The
intent is that this is one way that will promote adoption of necessary preventive measures
and a plan of action to avoid such failures.
1 The Office of Advocacy often defines a small firm as one with fewer than 500 employees. Industry
definitions are available from SBA's Office of Size Standards (
2 U.S. Small Business Administration, "Frequently Asked Questions," 2003.
http://www advo/ stats/ sbfaq .html
3 Baumol, W.J, 1993, Entrepreneurship, management and the structure of payoffs, Cambridge. MA:MIT
4 Small Business Economic indicators, Office of Small Business Advocacy, US Small Business
Administration, Washington D.C, June 2003( Available from
5 Small Business Economic indicators, Office of Small Business Advocacy, US Small Business
Administration, Washington D.C, June 2003( Available from
6 "Some of the Reasons Why Business Fail and How to Avoid Them," Entrepreneur Weekly, Issue 36,
What is business failure?
Some conclude that a business failure occurs only when a firm files for some form of
bankruptcy protection while others contend that there are numerous forms of
"organizational death," including merger or acquisition7. Still others argue that failure
occurs if the firm fails to meet its responsibilities to the stakeholders of the organization,
including employees, suppliers, customers and owners.
From a theoretical standpoint, entrepreneurial process is defined as the set of activities
through which innovations change existing combinations of factors of production. The
most widely recognized sources of inspiration for an entrepreneur are market efficiencies
and technological process8. From this viewpoint, a business failure is the termination of
an entrepreneurial initiative that has fallen short of its goals.
Every business has a life span that is depicted by its business life cycle. A business life
cycle is normally defined by four stages; Introduction, Growth, Maturity and Decline.
Most business life cycles will experience a slow introduction and growth stage, a short
maturity stage and a rather quick decline stage. Some studies discuss business failures as
being the last stage of an organization's life cycle9.
Losses that entail one's own capital or someone else's, or any forn1 of capital reduces the
rate of business continuancelO• A business that is not earning an adequate return (or is not
meeting owner's objectives) may discontinue existence. Personal reasons such as
retirement, illness, death of the owner or selling the business to make a profit accounted
for 30% of discontinuance ofbusinessesll 12. In the context of this paper, business