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Pfe agence

Rapport de stage : Pfe agence. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  14 Juillet 2018  •  Rapport de stage  •  8 490 Mots (34 Pages)  •  621 Vues

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Professional LICENSE Tourism MANAGEMENT


PROMOTION 2017-2018

The beneficial impacts of new information and communication technologies in Tourism ?

       Company Case : JUMBO TOURS

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Internship Report

Supervisor : Mr Allal Achaba


This work was completed with the Jumbo Tours Moroccan Incomming Travel Operator . My gratitude go towards all the administrative and professorial person which insured  my internship , in particular with :

  • The Offline Service
  • The Online Service  
  • Mr . Allal Achaba my Supervisor , for it’s availability , it’s support , And It’s rewarding information

All staffs which formed me along this professional experience and thanks to their competence, patience, and their support .

I also thank Mr. Rachid Oumlil my license coordinator , and my school tutor for offerting this opportunity to get more knowledge in the Tourism Field . Without forgetting his good directives .

My Profound thanks to my professors and to my familly precisely my parents and my brother who believe and have  trust on me .

A special Thanks to the JUMBO TOURS MORROCAN INCOMMING DIRECTOR : Mr Andrea Fiumani To Let me pass my internship in his company .

Finally My gratitude to my close friends , And all goodwill Person who supports me through my Journey .

 Thank You

 Very Much


Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4

Part I : Introducing The Company

  1. Historic ……………………………………………………………………………………….6
  2. Company activities ………………………………………………………………………….8
  • Offline selling Service
  • Online selling Service
  • Excursion Service
  1.  Performed Task……………………………………………………………………...……13

Part II : The impacts and benefits of e-business for tourism development

  1. Web evolution............................................................................................................15
  • Fundamental
  • Web 2.0
  • Mobile Application
  1. E-Tourisme Key Data................................................................................................16
  •  Key Data Samples
  • Traveler View
  • An Increasing Offer
  1. Tourism web strategy and the life cycle of the traveler.............................................17
  • Tourist Destination web strategy and life cycle
  • Tourist Mobility (M-Tourism)
  • Social Media and Tourism

Part III -  Marketing developments resulting from new information and communication technologies          (JUMBOTOURS)

  1. Competing Operators Strategy (B to B).....................................................................23
  • Distribution channel complementary : Internet and classic distribution
  • B to B Retains
  1. The use of "new technologies" products....................................................................24
  • Customer relationship Management
  • Price Comparison technique
  1. Multiple Marketing And Commercial Application For JumboTours…………………..25

A- Marketing And Technological Internet Control Tool

  • General Public Website Succes Rules
  • Constraints

B- Institutional And Commercial Communication Tool

  • The website: Renewer Redemption Period
  • TO’S online offer and the commercial strategy Adequacy
  • Training support and suppletive sales force
  1. Investments Profitability Optimization……………………………………………..…….27

                  A-How To Recruit New Customer ONLINE?

  • SEO

                  B-How To Retain New Customer ONLINE


                  C- Marketing Spaces with Partners And Suppliers

  • Advertising And Promotional Space Sales
  1. Jumbo Tours Conclusion……………………………………………...……………..…..28



         As part of our studies, and in order to deepen our knowledge in the field of tourism, to put into practice our various theoretical knowledge, to have a group spirit, and also a contact with the professional environment, I completed a 12-week end-of-studies internship (from 01/04/2018 to 01/07/2018) in the sales department at the tour operator JUMBOTOURS Morocco Incomming


            Tourism includes "the activities that people undertake during their travels and stays in places outside their usual environment for leisure, business and other purposes".


            Tourism has become a phenomenon of civilization. The scale he has gained has transformed him from a limited plan of elite pleasure to the general plan of social and economic life.


            Since my training in Action Communication & Marketing and Directorates of commercial teams that requires me to have a 3-month internship within a company to assert myself and be in the professional environment, I chose the tourism and more precisely the Operator Tour JUMBO TOURS MOROCCO INCOMMING in Marrakech to know better this field.


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