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Les nouvelles technologies - speech

Rapport de stage : Les nouvelles technologies - speech. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  3 Avril 2019  •  Rapport de stage  •  620 Mots (3 Pages)  •  490 Vues

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Good morning everyone, today I am here to talk to you about new technologies. Indeed, they have invaded our daily lives for about twenty years. There was the appearance of smartphones, internet, social networks, computers, robots, automation and much more. That’s why I will inform you about the consequences that new technologies may have on our daily lives. So, first of all the new technologies modified relationships that we have with people in our daily life. Next, we will see that the arrival of the new technologies the language has evolved in our everyday life. To finish, we will see that the new technologies enable to improve the daily life of people with disabilities.

First of all, we can notice that with the development of new technologies there is an evolution of relationships between people in our daily live, especially in communication and conversation. Indeed, with the arrival of new technologies we have access every day to more information than before, moreover we can easily communicate across borders. But on the negative side many people become addicted to new technologies like smartphones and this creates new problems such as isolation, bullying, and addiction. For example, the original painting conveys the felling that the different members can chat happily and safely. But the cartoonist, Matt Wuerker took back this painting, showing a family where each member is addicted on their tablets or smartphones and not talking to each other any more. There is a loss of direct communication with the people close to us, but new technologies enable people to communicate with others at other end of the world.

Next, with the arrival of the new technologies the language has evolved in our daily life. Indeed, there was the appearance of texting and abbreviations in messages. Therefore, everybody has to get used to writing with abbreviations, because if someone uses it, we have to be able to understand what he wrote. The language of people, is getting worse and worse since they are used to putting slang words in most of their sentences. Expressing oneself in a colloquial language is likely to be harmful in some daily situations. There is an evolution of language in our daily life.

To finish, the new technologies enable to improve the daily life of people with disabilities. Indeed, thanks to home automation and connected objects for people in wheelchairs, it is now possible for these people to control their home simply from their smartphone. Also, robotics is new hope for physical disabilities. For example, intelligent prostheses are directly connected to the nervous system. They can reproduce movements of the hand for example. Thus, this people can turn on a switch, cook, write or even to drive. Moreover, thanks to robotics, stand on both legs and walk again is no longer a dream for the paralyzed but a reality. Therefore, new technologies offer a better comfort in everyday life and a better daily support for people with disabilities.

To conclude, the arrival of new technologies modified positively and negatively our daily life. Indeed, on the one hand, every day we can have access more information than before, and we can communicate with people at the other end of the world. Moreover, thanks to new technologies, the daily life of people with disabilities has been improved. But on the other hand, we became addicted to new technologies like smartphones in our daily life, and we have to understand the abbreviations because the language has evolved with the new technologies. Moreover, more people make spelling mistakes because of appearance of texting. That’s why, we can ask ourselves if new technologies bring more positive or negative in our daily lives. (and if they create more inequalities because sometimes it’s expensive)


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