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Demande de stage dans une école de management

Lettre type : Demande de stage dans une école de management. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  9 Octobre 2013  •  Lettre type  •  219 Mots (1 Pages)  •  1 291 Vues


Dear Mr Young,

I am very interested in applying for a marketing internship position in your organisation. I am currently doing a bachelor degree in management at IAE, a management school, and in order to complete my studies I need to complete a 3 months internship.

The various internships that I have done in the past have given me a lot of experience in theorical knowledge in the management field that I would like to apply in the working environment and which I would be very keen to apply in your company. Furthermore I feel that an internship with Stag Beverages Ltd would be a logical next step in my development and towards my goal which is to become a marketing manager. Stag Beverages Ltd offers everything a marketing student needs: a good working environment, a large dynamic team and a great experience in the production and distribution industry. I believe that I would be a good asset for your company as a I am a very determined, autonomous and flexible person. Moreover I am willing to learn and will be open to any new experience.

I would welcome the opportunity to meet you and I am available at your convenience for an interview. Please find enclosed my curriculum vitae and my personal references.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully


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