Quel est le meilleur âge pour apprendre une nouvelle langue
Analyse sectorielle : Quel est le meilleur âge pour apprendre une nouvelle langue. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Annie.72 • 16 Février 2015 • Analyse sectorielle • 475 Mots (2 Pages) • 709 Vues
1. At what age should a person learn a second language?
First of all, what’s the best age to learn a new language? It is hard to tell because it varies from individual to individual and the situation around each one of us. It often depends on the upbringing giving to each person. Parents should be qualified to learn a foreign second language to their children because the youngest you are, the better it is to really master the language. Furthermore, we can’t deni the fact that it is a good skill but also a great challenge. Learning at a young age could only be benefict and i think, later on, it will come more naturally, the pronunciation is going to be better and i think it could be benefict for the general knowledge. When you are young, you already have to learn a primary language. So, you already have been place in that position and did learned, with native speakers, a first language. But, Indeed, some people are living in favourable conditions. What i mean, it’s that when you are originaly born from parents from different nationality, it is more likely that you get the aptitude to speak two languages fluently, as an adult. As we know, it takes many years to speak perfectly an other language. Finally, i think that introducing a second language at a young age can be a good thing for the physiological development of anybody. When they will grow up, it’s going to be easier for them to communicate with more people and to express themselves in different situation.
6. How do you think our society should deal with teenagers (from thirteen to nineteen) who commit serious crimes?
Second of all, how society should deal with teenagers who commit serious crimes? Again, it’s pretty hard answering to such a question because these kind of crimes, as killing someone or rape someone is not common in the society, it is rare at this age. But, obviously, we sould deal with this like we deal with adult who are committing crimes. When the crimes’ degree is high, why shouldn’t we apply the same judgments to them that we apply to adults? The seriousness of the situation still the same. Furthermore, its even more disturbing when you realise that these crimes or committed at such a young age. These kind of demeanour sould be punished hard to prevent the future of the society. Dentention centers or not efficient, teenagers could go in prison. They have decided to become criminals on their own, so we have the responsibility to treat them like criminals. Here, we are talking about serious crimes, not stealing something. They are as dangerous as adults. The age determines nothing, we can’t take the age as a reason to be less strict about the law. Justice has to be served.