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Une Ville De Fiction En ANglais : Axiom City

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Par   •  1 Mars 2014  •  246 Mots (1 Pages)  •  1 184 Vues

The axiom city

The fiction city that i have choosed is Axiom, from the movi Wall e.

This city is in a very big «spaceship » where the people live in before 8 «century », because the life in the Eath is impossible because of the human was polluted this planete.

The achitecture is very modern, and colorful. There a lot of floor. Poeple tavel withs electromagnetic seat, and the habit of to walk was disappeard

In this «spaceship» There are all the « comfort » and activities for people for exemple a shop, a snackbar, a swinming pool, and everybody are accompany with a little robot.

It's an city where the technology is very important and the human does nothing, he has juste to look

around him and to enjoy ! The consequence is that All people are fat and don't think.

There aren't green.

It's a city very, very clean, where the only « scrap» is destroyed by differents robot, for eliminated all bacteries and to avoid potential deasease. There arn't war but this is a police, it's a goup of robots.

The spaceship is controled by an human, and a robot called "Auto". Its them who fixe the clock. There isnt weather in the ship, but it's the commander who decide to show the sun or the rain on a screen .

I'v choosed the Axiom city because for me, it's interessantly to see how the humans imagine the cities futur when the Earth will not be habitable, and the negative influence of the technology.


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