Jesus de Nazareth film étude
Cours : Jesus de Nazareth film étude. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar blablacom • 6 Juillet 2020 • Cours • 1 429 Mots (6 Pages) • 536 Vues
History Of Religions
Hi everyone, for today’s presentation I have decided to present you the movie
or so called mini-series ,Jesus Of Nazareth, by Italian producer Franco Zeffirelli
in 1977.
To have a better understanding of what the movie is made of and what it is
showing us through this “vague” image of the Christ that we have nowadays,
we will divide this mini-series into 4 major parts, Christianity and her
fundamental aspects, the series content, how Christianity’s perceived today,
how it’s interacting with the outside world and beliefs.
- T H E F U N D A M E N T A L A S P E C T S O F T H E C H R I S T I A N I T Y –
Throughout the movie we can see how Jesus builds his beliefs and which
pillars Christianity is now built : a lot comes from how Jesus was treated
during his childhood but especially when he realizes that this world is full of
flaws and they’re within humans themselves. Here is some fundamentals
aspects of Christianity :
• God is omniscient/present and everything around you
• Jesus died as a martyr on the saint cross
• He resurrected after 3 days
• Heaven is open to everyone
As we read the Bible and listen to Jesus during the movie you can clearly see
what he wants people to understand and the message he’s trying to convey
throughout his journey :
• Love others as much as yourself
• Forgiveness his powerful, both for others and God
• As the son of God and his messenger on Earth, the Christ is here to
forgive you sins
• Don’t do to others, what you don’t want them do to you
• God and his kingdom is for everyone who embraces him
• Repentance of yourself as an imperfect being is key to everything
Christianity as we know it today is built around what we’ve been told mainly
by the apostles but also by the Testament and the New Testament. I believe
that we cannot only see one thing or one understanding in the bible and
those scriptures, it is within everybody to have his own method of reading
and making the Bible their own.
Throughout the movie we can clearly see that people “like” to judge and
make people feel inferior when they have a little of power, Jesus tells people
that in life it is important to forgive and understand everyone’s situation
whether they are small or big.
Characters in the movie are moved by greed and money even the people
form the temples, when Jesus make them realise that by having even a little
bit of faith and love for humanity then can access this state of mind, where
by being true to themselves and their feelings and God then can attend an
higher level of faith and by that have an access to mercy or the so called
- M o v I e / M I N I - s e r I e s C O N T E N T -
During the entirety of these magnificent 6 hours of movie we see that it is
really focused on the Christ’s life and his journey. From his birth in cave in the
city of Nazareth of his final preaching words on the cross. As you watch the
movie, little by little you are linked to those people that you never knew and
built what is Christianity today, you get to understand and learn the Christ’s
life, the reason of his birth, why he is crucified and why he is believing in
humanity during this whole time.
Everything starts when the angel - now known as an archangel - Gabriel
announces to Mary that she will give birth to a kid and that this kid will be
humanity’s light in the darkness. After his birth we can quickly see his
childhood and how he was raised into a Jewish family and very religious
society. Most of the movie is centered on how he developed this connection
to Father and how he’s growing mentally into what will become the Jesus
with his 12 apostles that we know of.