The Ideas Of Progress
Recherche de Documents : The Ideas Of Progress. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar lkmmrr • 7 Mai 2015 • 626 Mots (3 Pages) • 3 204 Vues
The notion I'm going to deal with is the idea of progress. To introduce this notion one might ask, should we fear progress? First, progress is made to advance, to progress. Progress is a step in the direction of improvement, it is a steady evolution of mankind, civilization toward an ideal goal.
First, robots can improve our quality of life in our homes and in the workplace. They can perform a repetitive, tradious a dangerous tasks for us. However the use of robots will probably create unemployment. In the future they could help to look after elderly and disabled people. Nevertheless we can become dependant of those robots and they may even harm people can't think and adapt to changing circumstances. We can see through the document "cyborg" that technical progress can be very useful when properly used. A surgeon volunteered to test an advanced which proved positive. For example That allowed to use thoughts to control an electric wheelchair and, through an Internet connection, an artificial hand.
Then in the document "From Gattaca to Los Angeles" We can see the advantages of designer babies. So, The benefits of this medical intervention are boundless. it is possible to select your baby’s gender with an incredibly small margin of error. This is only the beginning of the things that will soon be possible with genetic engineering : we will can optimizing the traits of a child through genetic selection, and even alter your potential child cosmetically.
In The human possibilities, Maria and Antonio want a designer babies. They can use PGD ( Preimplantation genetic diagnosis ) to chose the gender, to eradicate any potentially prejudicial condition like myopia, alcoholism and addiction possibility, propensity for violence and obesity... And they can chose abilities of the future baby. However the PGD( Preimplantation genetic diagnosis ) is limited. In fact, The choosing of embryos brings to the forefront a large moral issue with designer babies. Many embryos are created, and not as many are implanted into the mother. Many people, especially those who are pro-life, view this aspect as a huge problem in the creation of designer babies. If many embryos are going to be thrown away, they should not be created.
If designer babies were to become commonplace, individuality as we know it would most likely cease to exist. many people would be pretty, healthy, and intelligent.
Another potential long term problem of designing babies lies in societies in which one gender or other important characteristic is favored over the other.
Creating a generation of genetically modified humans could mess with evolution in unpredictable ways. Without diversity in the species, adaptation to the new environment is more difficult without a wide range of individuals to choose from. Let's take the case of girls in india, they are disadvantaged compared to boys, in fact boys in India are considered like the heirs of the land and the girls parents have to pay very high dowry to their in-laws.
Finally, we can take the film "Avatar" as an example. In this film, a breakthrough is made. Men have managed to create an avatar related to the human brain and the human people can be confused with a people living on another planet. Many researchers would like that this place is actually advanced, this would allow the man to discover a lot of things on different breeds present