Republique Federale D'Allemagne
Dissertation : Republique Federale D'Allemagne. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar hallo43 • 3 Décembre 2012 • 375 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 131 Vues
I am sitting here already a whole while.
And slowly, slowly it’s becoming very boring.
How long should I still stay here, until she is finally going to appear?
Why am I not surprised?
It is so typical for her, always when we meet and want to start something together, She totally comes too late.
And when she finally appears and we start to converse, all things are right again. But directly, as soon as our conversation becomes more profound, I get the feeling, that we are worlds apart.
It’s not the way, as if she doesn’t understand me.
No, even in the opposite, we understand each other very well.
The Problem is, for example every time if we discuss about her problems and actually I like to discuss with her, because normally I am good in advising and helping other people with their problems and to make them feel better... Well, but in the last year so many things has happened, so that my appreciation reduced itself very strong.
Her problems are so transparent, so simple. Not, that they aren’t invidious and bad, they are definitely, but nevertheless they are too easy constructed, in focus of the catalyst.
Lola is easily unbelievable innocent. A thousand times, I tried to explain it to her in a sensitive way, I also tried to make it clear in a hard way, and to shout it directly in to her face, but anything didn’t amount. This fact annoys me crazy and makes me feel sad. Who was the one, who was always there for here and who was the one, who always tried to take care of her?
I don’t want to be unthankful, but a small brute disappointment everyone has to admit to me. Why we still stay friends?
What a question, very simple: This girl simply fascinated on me for a long time. She underwent many things. A lot. She is no one of these bitches, who always want to party, because they have nothing better to do. No one of these boring girls, who can only be impressed by brands, clothes and such generally mainstream things. At first, Lola is someone, who takes care about the workaday life. She reflects about philosophical senses of this life, and so on. I always admire this. It was our connection.