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Devoir 1 anglais CNED CI partie 1

Commentaire de texte : Devoir 1 anglais CNED CI partie 1. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  27 Février 2018  •  Commentaire de texte  •  437 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 118 Vues

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devoir 1 anglais

exercice 1)

unlikely:peu probable

willing :volontiers

suppliers :fournisseurs

to fret : se tracasser

harm :le mal

shareholders :actionnaires

to take for granted :considerer comme allant de soi

to heap :entasser

shacks :cabanes

crippled :handicapé

to fire :licencier

to hire :embaucher

empowerment :delegation de la responsabilité

to duck :s'esquiver

to strain :peiner

to claim :prétendre

mightier :plus puissant

to ditch :laisser tomber

to bully :tyranniser

to bow :se courber

exercice 2)

1 The article illustrated that developed and developing countries have the same priorities.

-False « in south Africa, where more than a third of the workforce is jobless, the problem is not that that corporations are unethical but that there are not enough of them »

2  Anne Berstein is an advocate of more Corporate Social Responsability in South Africa

-False « Anne Berstein the head of a south african think tank called the Center for development and Entreprise »

3 The examples in the article illustrate the negative impact of the free market economy in south africa

-true « Sometimes the pressure on business to solve social problems comes not form government bur from non-govermental organisations. »

4 Corporations are desperately needed in South Africa to create jobs and spread wealth.

-True « anti-corporate activists sometimes claim that big companies are mightier than government. This is absurd. »


1 David Beckham is a Footballer and a Model.

Stephen Hawkins is a theoretical physicist and british cosmologist

successful corporation are  here to makie profits.

2 David Beckham might be modelling for brands (sunglasses) and forming task forces to solve environmental problems as Stephen and the corporation might be interessed in football or environmental profits.

3 They are all specialized in their activities and existed in the world because of that. « their chief contribution to society comes from their area of specialization »

4 Advocates of CSR fail to understand the fact that you can work well when you keep a specialization and when you understand that doing anything to shine is not the solution because a lot of corporations tend to expand their fiels of action and create the loss of specialized business.

5 Companies can be useful to society when they are concerned by people, by environmental situation and when they are ingaged in social issues.

6  « to stay in business, they must offer lower prices or higher quality than competitors. Those that fail disappear, those that succed spread prosperity »

7 Ordinary people gain access to luxuries

8 Ann Bernstein is writting from another perspectiv she is putting herself in an African citizen and adopt an african perspectiv in her writting.

9 People in rich countries take for granted the prosperity they created. The others in developing countries do not have this luxury.


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