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World According To China

Note de Recherches : World According To China. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  22 Février 2014  •  728 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 028 Vues

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The world according to China.

China impressed by its huge population of with more than a billion and a half people and also by a strong economic growth

II. Political

China is ranked internationally as a political power as well as America, Europe, Russia and Japan. The Chinese are aware of their future role in international relations.

China does not support critics to his country and thinks that no other country has to interfere in its domestic policy

She does not approve the "political system" of most developed countries, namely to convince the population that they have the best project for the nation. According to her, the population does not have to be informed of the position of political leaders, as well as foreign policy. Chinese leaders do not impose their personality government to.

According to it, the main problems in Western countries come from democracy: These require too much notice of the population and this prevents them from making decisions. The citizens are never enough and always want more freedom, more and more democracy. Thus, the Chinese government imposes a very strong censors information from the outside world so that its citizens do not rebel.

China does not get involved in international conflicts. It is present at international meetings when they are economic. China wants to contribute to the transformation of the international system but peacefully to continue its economic growth. It does not absolutely want armed conflict, which would be an obstacle to its development. Thus, it is opposed to the U.S. in the sense that it is leaking any conflict.

It also justifies its intervention in Tibet by the fact that Tibet had always been part of China and by the fact that underdeveloped countries needed to be "liberated".

China’s relationship with the United States is complicate. Don’t take a lot of consideration, but also admires its power in the world. These are the two bugbears powers of the UN.

IV. Environmental

China has decided to launch an economic development on the Western model. Since the 80s it has given priority to growth and bet everything on the export of its production. She met the challenge of exceptional growth, but at the expense of the environment. In 2012 it ranked 116th in the world ranking environmentally while it is the second largest economic power. China had recourse to overexploitation of natural resources to achieve this level of growth. Today China is dependent on other countries and should do great resource imports.

By its extensive production, it is now suffering the consequences of a huge pollution. As we can see from the photo, air pollution is a real problem in this country.

The wastes are far from being all eliminated. The pollution of water is a source of health problems across the country, and air pollution causes up to 1.75 million premature deaths each year.

The coal power plants provide much of the Chinese electricity, greatly aggravating the pollution.

Pollution levels are now at 40 times the maximum allowed.

V. Technological.

China has made its success on its willingness and


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