Notion de consitut
Dissertation : Notion de consitut. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Nohad Farouki • 11 Octobre 2015 • Dissertation • 454 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 023 Vues
[pic 1]English session 2 : Essay
Subject : It is a good idea to keep a second chamber such as the British House of Lords or the French « Sénat » ?
The house of Lords is the British House of Lords of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. It holds the executive power.Like the housse of Commons it meets in the Palace of Westminster. Unlike the elected House of Commons most members of the House of Lords are appointed. The membership of the House of Lords is made up of Lords Spiritual and Lords Temporal. The Lords Spiritual are 26 bishops in the established Church of England.
The Senate is also the upper house of the French parliament. It holds the legislative power with the National Assembly . Under Article 24 of the Constitution of the Fifth Republic, he is the representative of local authorities and with the National Assembly whether 348 Senator . Senate tenure is six years old, he can renew every three years since 2011.
These two parliaments have the function examine bills so that control the government .
Consider the English parliament as the « mother of parliaments » this is this is the most ancien parliament. She exists since the fourteenth century as a separate House of Commons it is also one go the most active only the House of Commons in terms of exceeding the days and hours sessions. One of its main functions is to study the bills then the enact . The Chamber fulfills a crucial role in revising legislation that sends the Commons. She is also responsible for proposing new laws and thus assume part of the legislative burden . Another of its important functions is to control the government by closely monitoring its activities. The Chamber exercises this power by asking questions deliberating on political issues brought its commissions . So it can be said that the chamber at a significant space in the United Kingdom
The french Senate « the upper room » has roughly the same role as the Lords chamber. It represents the legislative power. It controlling government activity, according to the Constituin of 4 October 1958. It is bicameral that is to say it consists of two rooms as the United Kingdom . However unlike the UK more than one in two French people believe that the upper House does not play an important role in French politics therefore it should be thoroughly reformed.
To conclude around the world , parliaments are confronted with deep crisis of confidence .Although parliaments are after all a powerful irreplaceable link between citizens and rulers with the functions services which the are responsible can not be ensured by any other entity.