Exposé dissertation Tony Blair
Dissertation : Exposé dissertation Tony Blair. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar bennille • 26 Novembre 2018 • Dissertation • 1 473 Mots (6 Pages) • 835 Vues
I) His political Career: From MP to Prime minister
A: His early political career
B: his mandates of Prime minister
II) His political current
A: Blairism
B: The reforms voted by Blair
Anthony Charles Lynton Blair was born on the 6 may nineteen fifty-three in Edinburgh in Scotland, he’s a member of Labour Party. He was known to be Prime minister between nineteen ninety-seven and two thousand and seven. His father was a lawyer (as he became too) and a member to the Conservative Party.
He joined the Labour Party in Oxford in nineteen seventy-five. When John Smith died in nineteen ninety-four, a subsequent leadership election was organized and Tony Blair won this election defeating Prescott and Beckett. He took the leadership of the Labour Party and during the same year, he became the Privy Councillor.
Blair became the Prime minister of the United Kingdom on 2 may nineteen ninety-seven, serving concurrently as first Lord of Treasury and minister for the civil service. Only aged forty-three he was the youngest person to be the head of a cabinet since Robert Jenkinson (known as Lord Liverpool) in eighteen twelve.
With victories in nineteen ninety-seven, two thousand and one, and two thousand and five, Tony Blair was the Labour Party’s longest serving Prime minister and the first and only one to lead the Party three consecutive times. His party leader’s mandate lasted thirteen years.
During his period at the lead of Labour Party, Tony Blair changed the ideology of this one to a market economy. He didn’t want to lead a traditional party, the way of thinking of Blair is a sort of “Third Way”. He turned his party into a “New Labour Party” which is a Radical centre political movement. He described himself as a social democrat like Jean Jaurès in France. Emmanuel Macron took the idea of Blair and created a party between the traditional other French parties (Socialist party and Republican party)
We are now going to study in our First part: his political career, how he became member of parliament and prime minister, and in a second part, we will see his political current, more precisely the Blairism and the reforms of Tony Blair.
I) His political Career: From MP to Prime minister
At the first part, we will see his early political career between nineteen eighty-three and nineteen ninety-seven.
A) His early political career
He began his political career in nineteen seventy-five when he got his law diploma, he joined the Labour Party in contrary to his father. His first election was a failure, in nineteen eighty-two at the Parliament election he only obtained ten percent of the vote. But the next year, he was elected as Member of Parliament for Sedgefield in nineteen eighty-three. He was in favour of reformist current of his party.
At this moment he was only thirty years old and his career can look back to a rapid development in just few years. In nineteen eighty-eight he joined the shadow cabinet as a Energy Secretary and after at the employment.
When the leader of Labour party died in nineteen ninety-four, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown were two serious contenders to lead the party. They stuck a deal that one will be the leader of Labour Party and the second one will be Chancellor of the Exchequer. Blair won the election the twenty-one July nineteen ninety-four.
Shortly after his election, Tony Blair wanted to change the charter of the Labour party which dated back to nineteen eighteen removing some socialist clauses. He described his current as “New Labour”. Thanks to the bad policy of John Major (Leader of the conservative party at this period and prime minister between nineteen ninety and nineteen ninety-seven), he won easily the nineteen ninety-seven election and became Prime Minister.
We are now going to study the three mandates of Tony Blair.
B) his mandates of Prime minister
After Tony Blair’s election, the chancellor Gordon Brown gave the Independence to the Bank of England. This decision was popular in the financing sector which wanted this reform for some years. During the first two years, the government followed the spending plans of conservative Party.
One of the most important success of Tony Blair was the signature of the “Good Friday Agreement” in nineteen ninety-eight to foster peace in Northern Ireland. This is a real success for the Blair policy because his conservative predecessor John Major failed the negotiation with Provisional Irish Republican Army (It was an Irish group who wanted the Independence in Ireland during the ninety’s).