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Assignment Feedback and Cover Sheet

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University of Essex                                                                        School of Law

Assignment Feedback and Cover Sheet

(Do not write your name on this sheet or your essay)

Module Name:                 French Private Law II                                        Module Code: LW208-5

Registration Number:








Number of Words:        2495                                        Date Submitted: 02/12/2018

x I have read and understood the University Regulations on Academic offences.

x I certify that the attached is all my own work and that the word length stated above is accurate

Mark:                                Deductions:                                        Final Mark:                                                        (Subject to External Examiner)

Reason(s) for Deduction:

Signed by Marker___________________________________________        Date:____________________

In moderation sample:        Yes        No

Second Marker    ___________________________________________        Date:____________________[pic 1]

Upper 1st  (80+)

1St  (70-79)

2.1 (60-69)

2.2 (50-59)

3 (40-49)

Fail (under 40)

Identifying legal issues within the facts

Identifies all issues within facts; explains their significance persuasively and concisely with reference to wider context.

Identifies all issues within facts; explains their significance persuasively and concisely.

Identifies key issues and may identify some minor issues; explains their significance.

Identifies most key issues; there may be minor errors or omissions

Identifies some key issues, but with omissions and/or problems of understanding.

Fails to identify most key issues.

Identifying and evaluating relevant law

Meticulous explanation of relevant legal framework; analyses wider legal context and areas of debate; engages with academic literature where applicable.

Identifies relevant law well; aware of wider legal context and areas of debate; engages with academic literature where applicable.

Identifies relevant law well; aware of wider legal context and areas of debate; occasional minor errors only.

Essential relevant law identified, but with some errors of understanding.

Most essential law identified, but with significant omissions or errors of understanding.

Fails to identify the essential legal sources.  

Applying the law to the facts

Applies law to produce detailed and highly persuasive conclusion; explains reasoning well; explores alternative outcomes where applicable making reasoned choices between them. .

Applies law to produce detailed and persuasive conclusion; explains reasoning; explores alternative outcomes where applicable making reasoned choices between them.

Applies law to produce persuasive conclusion; explains reasoning in detail; explains alternative outcomes where applicable.

Applies law to all key issues; draws reasonable conclusions; explains reasoning but with limited detail.

Applies law to most key issues; some major errors or fails to fully explain reasoning.

Several major errors or omissions in showing how the law applies to the facts.


Issues addressed by effective use of IRAC throughout; flows well; efficient structure allows for a meticulous answer.

Issues addressed by effective use of IRAC throughout; efficient structure allows for a concise and detailed answer.

Issues addressed in a clear sequence with effective use of IRAC.

Issues mostly addressed following IRAC; some instances of being disorganised, unbalanced or repetitive.

Some attempt to use IRAC, but structure lacks clarity; disorganised, unbalanced or repetitive in places.

Significant portions of answer lack any coherent structure; no evidence of planning.

Language and presentation

Expression is clear and fluent, in formal written English; consistently uses legal and scholarly language; free from errors

Expression is clear and fluent in formal written English; uses legal and scholarly language; minimal and minor errors

Expression is clear and effective in formal written English; uses legal and scholarly language; occasional errors

Expression is sufficiently clear and effective to communicate, generally in formal English; some use of legal and scholarly language; some errors

Expression is sufficiently clear and effective to communicate, though may not be formal English; some use of legal and scholarly language; errors may be frequent

Lack of clarity and/or errors impede(s) communication; legal or scholarly language not used; frequent errors

Referencing and bibliography

All sources are referenced fully and consistently, in OSCOLA. Bibliography is of a high standard, with minimal and minor errors.

All sources are referenced in OSCOLA, with occasional errors. Bibliography is complete and extremely well organised.

All sources are referenced in OSCOLA, but with some errors

Most sources are referenced; OSCOLA is followed but with some errors. Bibliography is complete and well organised.

Some sources are referenced but with frequent errors in OSCOLA. Bibliography is incomplete.

Some sources referenced; OSCOLA not followed. No bibliography.


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