Assignment Feedback and Cover Sheet
Dissertation : Assignment Feedback and Cover Sheet. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Andreadam • 22 Octobre 2019 • Dissertation • 4 170 Mots (17 Pages) • 614 Vues
University of Essex School of Law Assignment Feedback and Cover Sheet (Do not write your name on this sheet or your essay) Module Name: French Private Law II Module Code: LW208-5 | ||||||||
Registration Number: | 1 | 7 | 0 | 2 | 3 | 7 | 6 | |
Number of Words: 2495 Date Submitted: 02/12/2018 x I have read and understood the University Regulations on Academic offences. x I certify that the attached is all my own work and that the word length stated above is accurate |
Mark: Deductions: Final Mark: (Subject to External Examiner)
Reason(s) for Deduction:
Signed by Marker___________________________________________ Date:____________________
In moderation sample: Yes No
Second Marker ___________________________________________ Date:____________________[pic 1]
Upper 1st (80+) | 1St (70-79) | 2.1 (60-69) | 2.2 (50-59) | 3 (40-49) | Fail (under 40) | |
Identifying legal issues within the facts | Identifies all issues within facts; explains their significance persuasively and concisely with reference to wider context. | Identifies all issues within facts; explains their significance persuasively and concisely. | Identifies key issues and may identify some minor issues; explains their significance. | Identifies most key issues; there may be minor errors or omissions | Identifies some key issues, but with omissions and/or problems of understanding. | Fails to identify most key issues. |
Identifying and evaluating relevant law | Meticulous explanation of relevant legal framework; analyses wider legal context and areas of debate; engages with academic literature where applicable. | Identifies relevant law well; aware of wider legal context and areas of debate; engages with academic literature where applicable. | Identifies relevant law well; aware of wider legal context and areas of debate; occasional minor errors only. | Essential relevant law identified, but with some errors of understanding. | Most essential law identified, but with significant omissions or errors of understanding. | Fails to identify the essential legal sources. |
Applying the law to the facts | Applies law to produce detailed and highly persuasive conclusion; explains reasoning well; explores alternative outcomes where applicable making reasoned choices between them. . | Applies law to produce detailed and persuasive conclusion; explains reasoning; explores alternative outcomes where applicable making reasoned choices between them. | Applies law to produce persuasive conclusion; explains reasoning in detail; explains alternative outcomes where applicable. | Applies law to all key issues; draws reasonable conclusions; explains reasoning but with limited detail. | Applies law to most key issues; some major errors or fails to fully explain reasoning. | Several major errors or omissions in showing how the law applies to the facts. |
Structure | Issues addressed by effective use of IRAC throughout; flows well; efficient structure allows for a meticulous answer. | Issues addressed by effective use of IRAC throughout; efficient structure allows for a concise and detailed answer. | Issues addressed in a clear sequence with effective use of IRAC. | Issues mostly addressed following IRAC; some instances of being disorganised, unbalanced or repetitive. | Some attempt to use IRAC, but structure lacks clarity; disorganised, unbalanced or repetitive in places. | Significant portions of answer lack any coherent structure; no evidence of planning. |
Language and presentation | Expression is clear and fluent, in formal written English; consistently uses legal and scholarly language; free from errors | Expression is clear and fluent in formal written English; uses legal and scholarly language; minimal and minor errors | Expression is clear and effective in formal written English; uses legal and scholarly language; occasional errors | Expression is sufficiently clear and effective to communicate, generally in formal English; some use of legal and scholarly language; some errors | Expression is sufficiently clear and effective to communicate, though may not be formal English; some use of legal and scholarly language; errors may be frequent | Lack of clarity and/or errors impede(s) communication; legal or scholarly language not used; frequent errors |
Referencing and bibliography | All sources are referenced fully and consistently, in OSCOLA. Bibliography is of a high standard, with minimal and minor errors. | All sources are referenced in OSCOLA, with occasional errors. Bibliography is complete and extremely well organised. | All sources are referenced in OSCOLA, but with some errors | Most sources are referenced; OSCOLA is followed but with some errors. Bibliography is complete and well organised. | Some sources are referenced but with frequent errors in OSCOLA. Bibliography is incomplete. | Some sources referenced; OSCOLA not followed. No bibliography. |