Multi Generation
Commentaire d'oeuvre : Multi Generation. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar benfrancais • 30 Octobre 2014 • Commentaire d'oeuvre • 289 Mots (2 Pages) • 659 Vues
1 – Susan Haywood expose le « problème » d’avoir différentes générations au sein d’une même entreprise. En effet les plus anciens (âgés) et les plus jeunes ne partagent pas les mêmes valeurs, les mêmes idées et n’ont pas les mêmes compétences.
Le but étant de tirer profit des compétences et des qualités de chaque génération afin de tirer l’entreprise ver le haut. Le « multi-génération » permet de débattre sur des idées et d’échanger C’est de cette différence entre génération que vient la force d’une entreprise. L’employé idéal serait un employé loyal maitrisant parfaitement l’informatique….
2- In the same work place, each generation has a different set of values, concepts and loyalty, expectations from the work environment, view of work and employes should aware at the differences. Each group as a unique communication preference too.
Younger generation can learnfrom older generation but sometimes boomers think that they are superior due to their experience. Olders has experience to share with X and Y generations.
The difference between the generations is simply a refection of the idealism of youth clothed in cultural and technological differences.
Youngers are able to use new technologie and can show olders how to do. The y generation seems to bob e not loyal to their company while older generation is afraid oh looqing their job.
When you have to manage with many distinct generations, you will have to chose the language appropriate to their lifestyle characteristics.
Managers have the skills to effectively engage all employes in crucial conversation and encourage honest and open dialogue that understands diverstiy in expectations.
They involve employes in working improvements, developing the processes and solving problems. That puts employes in a more productive frame of mind to face big challenges.