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Oral presentation on hypersensitivity

Discours : Oral presentation on hypersensitivity. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  21 Janvier 2025  •  Discours  •  1 269 Mots (6 Pages)  •  32 Vues

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Oral d’Anglais


Hello! Today, I'm going to talk to you about hypersensitivity. Charles Baudelaire used to say: “Don't despise anyone's sensitivity; everyone's sensitivity is his genius”. For him, sensitivity was a strength, a gift. But for others, it can feel like a burden.

Hypersensitivity, or heightened sensitivity, is used to describe people who react more strongly than others to external and internal stimuli.

These may be strong physical reactions, such as feeling overwhelmed by lights or sounds, or emotional reactions, such as being strongly affected in social situations.

The way a person reacts to emotions, sounds, lights and social situations influence the way a person perceives and interacts with the world around them.

1. What is hypersensitivity?

Hypersensitivity generally takes three forms: sensory, emotional and social.

There are three main types of hypersensitivity: sensory, emotional and social.

  • First, sensory hypersensitivity: in this case, people react strongly to noise, light, touch or even smells. For example, background noise that doesn't bother others can be very annoying for them.
  • Next, emotional hypersensitivity: Emotions are deeply felt. Hypersensitive people may be deeply moved by films, books or other people's emotions. They may also feel socially anxious or think excessively.
  • Finally, social hypersensitivity: Hypersensitive people are highly sensitive to social situations and fear being judged by others.

Causes of hypersensitivity:

Hypersensitivity can come from different sources:

  • Genetics: Sensitivity can run in families, like Freud’s idea of traits passed through generations.
  • Life experiences: Intense or emotional events can impact someone’s sensitivity.
  • Brain processing: Hypersensitive people often have a brain that processes sensory information in a stronger way.

2. How to live well with hypersensitivity?

To feel good, hypersensitive people can:

  • Take breaks to avoid overstimulation and relax.
  • use mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing or meditation, to manage stress
  • try cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to manage emotions and thoughts.
  • Ask friends and family for support.

There are many resources, such as books, podcasts and the Petit BamBou app, to help you understand and accept hypersensitivity, and even see it as a strength.

3. Hypersensitivity and society:

Today, more and more places are becoming aware of hypersensitivity. For example, some supermarkets offer special opening hours with reduced lights and noise for people with hypersensitivity or autism.

The aim is to enable everyone to live comfortably while respecting the needs of others in society.

4. Characteristics of hypersensitive people:

It is estimated that between 15% and 20% of the population is hypersensitive. These individuals are like "emotional sponges," experiencing criticism, conflict, and sensory stimuli in an amplified way.

Hypersensitive people are often characterized by feeling overwhelmed: too much noise, too many smells, too many emotions, too much empathy. All emotions—anger, sadness, joy, jealousy—are felt intensely.

Human emotions are already complex and varied, and those of hypersensitive individuals are even stronger. The movie Inside Out is an excellent illustration of this emotional complexity and its diversity according to an individual’s age, life experiences, and personality.


If you're wondering about your own sensitivity, you can take an online test to find out if you're hypersensitive. It's not a diagnosis, but it can help you understand yourself better. Hypersensitivity can be a strength, helping you to feel things deeply, provided you learn to live with it and turn it into a superpower.

Introduction :

Bonjour ! Aujourd'hui, je vais vous parler de l'hypersensibilité. Charles Baudelaire a dit un jour : « Ne méprisez la sensibilité de personne ; la sensibilité de chacun, c’est son génie. » Pour lui, la sensibilité était une force, un don, une qualité. Pour d’autres, cependant, elle peut être un fardeau, un défaut, une faiblesse.

Ce trait, également appelé haute sensibilité, est souvent utilisé pour décrire des personnes qui réagissent plus intensément aux stimuli internes ou externes que les autres. Cette sensibilité peut se manifester par des réactions physiques, comme une sensibilité accrue à la lumière ou au bruit, ou des réponses émotionnelles, comme être facilement submergé dans des contextes sociaux. Que ce soit par rapport aux émotions, aux sons, aux lumières ou même aux relations sociales, cette sensibilité façonne profondément la manière dont les personnes hypersensibles perçoivent et interagissent avec le monde qui les entoure.


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