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Études de cas de l'Europe

Cours : Études de cas de l'Europe. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  16 Décembre 2018  •  Cours  •  482 Mots (2 Pages)  •  520 Vues

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-Welcome in Ellis Island !

-Nice to meet you, we are your guides for all the afternoon. My name is Alice and I’m Aude.

-I don’t know if you know it but Ellis Island is a symbol of America.

-Ok, nice to meet you! Personally, my grand mother went to Ellis Island in 1930 and she told me a lot of stories about her trip and I’m very curious to learn more about that !

-I’m an exchange student, and I want to visit this emblematics places, so it’s why, I’m here !

-So, first, we are going to start  with  the discovery of Ellis Island! Come on !

-So here, we are in front of the museum entrance. This is where all  has  began, in January 1892. In fact, after their hard long trip in a ship. Ellis Island was the first  step for of the immigrants’s new lives in America.

-Why did they go through Ellis Island ?

-I think it’s because they select new arrivals.

-Yes, in a way but there was also medical exams and legal inspection for travelers.

-And then, what happened ?

-they came to the USA or they went back to their original country. Indeed, only a small number of detained immigrants passed through Ellis Island.

-Where were they from ?

- they were Germany, British, Irish, Italians, Chinese or coming from the South of Europe. They left their country to escape from instable homelands, famine or for economical opportunities.

-Indeed, they wanted to have a better life. They was were attracted by the “American way of life”

-What are many obstacles,  they are have met?

-The obstacles varied, there was contagious diseases, discrimination and their goal was  to enter in America  to have a new better life.

-Just a few words to thank you. In fact, it’s a good thing to be here for the remembrance duty.

-It was the occasion to remember the hardship  endured by the immigrants durng the trip. So thank you for that. Now, we can do visit the Statue of liberty ,  would you be okay with that ? You will visit this place with a new guide. 

-Yeah of course !

-Bye then, See you later!

-Hello girls! I’m Carolane, I’m your new guide!


-We are in front of the Statue of Liberty. This Statue was designed by- Auguste Bartholdy with the help of Gustave Eiffel in 1879 in France.

-How  did it arrived in New-York ?

-The Statue  was dismantled and shipped by the French and assembled back in New-York on 1886.

-And why  was it given to USA.

-The Statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship from the people of France to the USA and  it is reconized as a universal symbol of freedom and democraty. Now, the statue of liberty is the tallest statue in the world. 



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