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September Issue

Guide pratique : September Issue. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  25 Septembre 2019  •  Guide pratique  •  596 Mots (3 Pages)  •  422 Vues

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September issue is a documentary on the conception of the review Vogue of September. it represents the most importing issue because Vogue publishes nothing in July and August. Each year he is more and more heavy and thus asks furthermore of besides work. September is a important month in the fashion's world because it's represents a transition between two periods, spring/summer collection and autumn/winter. It is the symbol of renewal and change.

The reporting show to us main characters who participate in realisation of september issue in US. Anna Wintour is the most important, she is Vogue's chief editor, she has the last word on

September issue is a documentary about the conception of Vogue's review of september. It represents the most important issue because Vogue publish nothing in July and August. Each year it is more and more heavy and requires more and more work. September is an important month in the fashion's world because it represents a changeover between two periods , spring-summer collections and fall-winter collections. It is symbols of renewal and change.

The reporting represents to us main characters who participate at the excecution of september issue at the US. Anna Wintour is the most important, she is the chief editor of Vogue, she has the last word on each review's page, each article, each photography, each accessory... all the least details.

Before starting issue's execution, Anna Wintour and the important members of her team like Grace or Leon Talley travel all over the world to find inspiration, search what they put in the review. They go at all fashion shows who take place during the summer and Anna Wintour meet the creators in their thread.

Then they come back in US and dissect all collections to finaly chose only what they like et seems tell a story, pass a message. They decide of what they will put in the review : clothes, colors, textures, accessories... All of that is gathered in a trend book. In the offices each supporting have clothes corresponding at a theme and then each person will be charged to organize photo call to represent the differents categories (colors, textures...). When it is done Anne look it all et chose those she wants to keep.

An important part of the review is its coverage. It is Anna Wintour herself who launch the fashion to put a star in coverage. For the september issue coverage in the movie, it is Sienna Miler who was chosed. Elle go do hers photo call in Italy.

When photographs and articles have been chosen by Anna Wintour she put them in the order who seems the best thanks at a board where the pages can be interchanged

The fact that Anna Wintour have the last word on everything may sometimes cause conflicts in the team. It is what happen with Grace during one of the photo call on the theme twenties. For Grace the photographies must be as a old film, with soft colors. But Anna do not like photographs, it is too much for her, too over-ornate. The colors are not enought weever. It is too long in the review. So she

remove a lot of these photographies. For grace it is a waste, the money is spended without count.

But finaly we see that it is Anna Wintour who have reason. She see the futur, she knows how forge ahead. The review is successuf because of it.

Grace grants that anna is the best to manage the magazine, she knows how to develop it and sell it. She anticipates the trends and knows how to find the new talents.


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