Palm Heart
Commentaire de texte : Palm Heart. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar guillaumegillion • 15 Décembre 2014 • Commentaire de texte • 238 Mots (1 Pages) • 634 Vues
Question 1 :
The marketing problem we are faced with, is the perception of the consumer who don’t make the different between the two types of productions of palm heart indeed there are very different because one do not altere the ecosysteme while the other one use fertilizer and pesticide.
The mass produced use pesticides for increase the production, this conduce to an over-production the result ase been a 30% fall of the purchase price.
The issue to solve the marketing probleme could be, make sensitive the purchasers of the important of wild production of palm hearts.
Question 2 :
The research problem is, why i want to know to, to take the good decision in my marketing problem :
- The ecological impact is it important for the consumer ?
- Does this difference lead to a preference consumer?
- Which are the differences between both productions on the packaging ?
- Does it express better the positioning of my brand ?
Question 3 :
- Serie of studies :
Serie 1
. Marketing objectives : packaging
. Methodology : multiple choice test
.Decisions to be taken :
- New decor potential confirmed in both qual and quant.
- communicating the growth benefit.
Test Use & Attitudes
- Objectif : A relevant positioning , Development opportunities for your mark, Behavior of the consumer in the category: which(who), Which(Who), When, Where, How.
- Methodology : qualitative investigation
- Decision to be taken : this kind of studie is very expensive