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TvP Heart’s Stim Timing (document en anglais)

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Par   •  8 Avril 2014  •  950 Mots (4 Pages)  •  755 Vues

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TvP Heart’s Stim Timing

General Overview

This Reaper FE transitions into a very quick 2 base Stim timing with Combat Shields.  With such a fast attack, you can set the pace of the game instead of letting Protoss dictate when you attack.

Build Order

10 – Supply Depot

12 – Barracks

12 – Refinery

15 – Orbital Command

15 – Reaper, and pull 2 SCVs out of the Refinery

You should now have 1 SCV mining gas

17 – @100% Reaper, start Reactor on Barracks

17 – @400 Mins, start 2nd Command Center

18 – Supply Depot

————Above is Reaper FE

19 – 2nd Barracks

22 – 3rd Barracks, and put 2 SCVs back into the Refinery

You should now have 3 SCVs mining gas

You can start an optional Bunker here if you feel unsafe

@100% 2nd Barracks, start Tech lab and 2nd Refinery

@100% Tech lab, start Stimpack Research

@100% 3rd Barracks, start Tech lab and begin constant double Marauder production

@100 Gas, start Combat Shields

Push out when your Stimpack/Combat Shields are 80% done (@8:00ish) with around 15 Marines and 7 Marauders with reinforcements rallied aggressively.

You should have around 30 SCVs at home, and can now start a Factory at home for a standard Medivac follow-up.

Attack your opponent’s natural when your Stimpack and Combat Shields finish (@8:50ish) with these 15 Marines and 7 Marauders.


This build has a fragile beginning (you only have 1 Reaper for quite some time), so scouting with this Reaper is absolutely crucial.  You CANNOT lose your Reaper.  Instead, use it to spot how many Assimilators your opponent has taken, when they get an expansion (or note if they do not expand by around the 5 minute mark), and how many early game units they are defending with.  You must keep the Reaper active on the map to spot for any early aggression and also to prevent your opponent’s first Stalker or Zealot/Stalker from getting to your base and doing damage.

If your opponent has not expanded by around the 5 minute mark, then prepare to deal with 1 base play.  Extra Bunkers and/or an Engineering Bay for defense may be a smart investment.  However, if you can hold until Stimpack and Combat Shields finish (@8:50ish – much earlier than most other builds), then you will be in a great position to counter attack your opponent and do crippling damage.


This build can only transition into Bio play, for you have committed all your resources and time into getting the Infantry upgrades and a large Bio army.  Before you focus on your attack, be sure to start a Factory for a standard Reactored Medivac follow-up.  After the attack, get a 3rd Command Center, 2 more Barracks (for a total of 5), 2


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