Moroccan women behaviour
Analyse sectorielle : Moroccan women behaviour. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Hind Rhouam • 20 Février 2016 • Analyse sectorielle • 677 Mots (3 Pages) • 732 Vues
Table 2
Comparison in personal values preferences between Morocco and the USA.
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Moroccans have experienced year-on-year increases in disposable incomes since 2004 (Euromonitor international, 2011). This has naturally boosted consumer confidence and pushed up the demand for high fashion goods.
The income is significantly linked to purchase intention for fashion goods. In parallel, aggressive competition in offering credit and loans has helped to spur consumer spending.
Motivations :
Moroccans purchasing fashion goods are mainly motivated by quality, uniqueness brand awarness and exclusivity.
Moroccan consumer tend to judge footwear quality according to if the brand is well-known and country-of-origin (Moroccan in general tend to prefer foreign fashion brands).
Although women tend to be more impulsive than men when deciding to purchase a fashion brand, the Moroccan consumers' purchase tends to be rational.
This is more pronounced with wealthier and more educated male consumers from large households who tend to exhibit a more rational than impulse buying intention for fashion purchases.
In a consumer society like Morocco, consumers seek ‘positional goods’ to demonstrate group membership, identify themselves and mark their position. With positional goods, satisfaction arises in large part from a product's scarcity and social exclusiveness. In this respect, Moroccans are no different from other consumers from the traditional market economies. Moroccan consumers tend to purchase high fashion goods to stand out (unique motivation) and differentiate themselves (conspicuous motivation) from the group to which they belong.
Brand loyalty :
Moroccan women in general claim that they are brand loyal, it can obviously be easy to get them to visit the store.
Moroccan customers are brand likers. After having positive experiences with the product and brand, They are willing to buy from the same fashion clothes or footwear brand again and a Moroccan woman who finds out that a has her favourite items will probably visit the shop in order to find out more.
Western influence & international similitaries :
In present-day Morocco, a large part of the population is potentially exposed to western advertisements with an increasing number of households watching French television on daily basis. In the same vein, the number of available satellite channels is increasing as well as the household penetration rate. Hence, self-representation is without doubt influenced by Western-style modernity. Thus, consumers in general remain torn between the desire to move towards modernity and the need to preserve values and traditions.
Moroccan fashion consumers have high buying similarities with fashion consumers the world over.
In fact, Moroccans are sensitive to the way people talk about them and often take recourse to purchasing high fashion brands to enhance their social status.
In terms of product life cycle, fashion brand managers should be aware that Moroccan (women) fashion consumers are also innovators and knowledgeable about latest international fashion trends.
Cultural values may not be the driving force in Moroccan consumer purchase orientations especially in the fashion goods market. In the fashion market, many aspects of consumer values exhibit global commonalities rather than context specificity. Nevertheless, it is a self-evident truth that cultural norms and values remains powerful forces shaping consumer perceptions, dispositions and behaviors and to which marketers must adapt.