- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Les légumes nous fournissent les vitamines et les minéraux essentiels pour que notre corps grandissent. (Document an anglais).

Mémoire : Les légumes nous fournissent les vitamines et les minéraux essentiels pour que notre corps grandissent. (Document an anglais).. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  10 Avril 2013  •  245 Mots (1 Pages)  •  1 049 Vues

Vegetables provide us with the vitamins and minerals that are essential for growing bodies. Children should consume one to two cups of vegetables daily. Like fruit, vegetables need to be prepared slightly differently for people that wear braces.

Hard, raw vegetables, such as carrots, cauliflower, and broccoli are tough to bite into with braces and may even pop a bracket off the tooth. When preparing raw vegetables, cut them into bite-sized pieces that can be easily chewed with the back teeth.

Most vegetables may be enjoyed cooked -- which is a braces wearer's dream because cooking automatically softens the food. If you are having a problem eating your favorite vegetable raw, try seaming it until it's tender, or boil it until it's soft.Grains provide us with fiber, iron, and many other nutrients that we require. Choosing whole grain products provides the optimum nutritional value for your buck.

Grains are generally an easy food group for braces wearers, because most grain products are very soft and easily chewed. However, there are a few grain products braces wearers should be cautious of.

Eating hard crusted breads, such as a bagel, is difficult for someone with braces because it is very hard to bite into. Soften breads by warming them or break them into bite-sized pieces.

Unground whole grains are also a challenge because they become stuck in between the braces, attachments and the even the teeth, which makes them very hard to remove. Avoid small seeds and grains.


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