Mécanique Auto
Commentaires Composés : Mécanique Auto. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Toriko • 3 Décembre 2012 • 1 382 Mots (6 Pages) • 1 290 Vues
RTW Unit Details spreadsheet-generated unit descriptions
;Data entries are as follows
; Type The internal name of the unit. Note this not necessarily the same as the on screen name
; dictionary The tag used to look up the on screen name
;Category and class define the rough type of the unit. They're used for setting some
;default attributes and for determining where units go in formation amongst other things
; category infantry, cavalry, siege, handler, ship or non_combatant
; class light, heavy, missile or spearmen
; voice_type Used to determine the type of voice used by the unit
; soldier Name of the soldier model to use (from descr_models_battle.txt)
; followed by the number of ordinary soldiers in the unit
; followed by the number of extras (pigs dogs, elephants, chariots artillery pieces etc attached to the unit)
; followed by the collision mass of the men. 1.0 is normal. Only applies to infantry
; officer Name of officer model. There may be up to 0-3 officer lines per unit
; ship Type of ship used if applicable
; engine Type of siege engine used by unit
; animal The type of non ridden on animals used by the unit
; mount Type of animal or vehicle ridden on
; mount_effect Factors to add when in combat against enemy units that have the specified mounts
; Up to three factors may be specified, which may be classes of mount, or specific types
; attributes A miscellanious list of attributes and abilities the unit may have. Including
; sea_faring = can board ships
; hide_forest, hide_improved_forest, hide_long_grass, hide_anywhere = defines where the unit can hide
; can_sap = Can dig tunnels under walls
; frighten_foot, frighten_mounted = Cause fear to certain nearby unit types
; can_run_amok = Unit may go out of control when riders lose control of animals
; general_unit = The unit can be used for a named character's bodyguard
; cantabrian_circle = The unit has this special ability
; no_custom = The unit may not be selected in custom battles
; command = The unit carries a legionary eagle, and gives bonuses to nearby units
; mercenary_unit = The unit is s mercenary unit available to all factions
; formation soldier spacing (in