Compte rendu " Why Should You In Part-Time Accounting Jobs ?"
Synthèse : Compte rendu " Why Should You In Part-Time Accounting Jobs ?". Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Emeline441 • 9 Avril 2020 • Synthèse • 1 070 Mots (5 Pages) • 596 Vues
Compte rendu " Why Should You In Part-Time Accounting Jobs ?"
This document is a press article entitled " Why should you work in part-time accounting jobs?". It was adapted from a web site which is . This document deals with the benefits to have a part-time jobs in accounting. So in a first part, we are going to describe why choose to have a part-time jobs in accounting today. And in a second part we are going to evoke the advantages to work part-time in accounting.
I) Why choose to have a part-time jobs in accounting today ?
First of all, we can see that today a lot of companies reduce their work force. As we can see line 6 - 7 : "many businesses are cutting back on in-house financial staff, like bookkeepers, accountants, and the like".
By the way when the economy is more favorable, we can have a full-time job. → line 9 -10 : " acquire full time employment […] picks back up".
Moreover if you want to work in accounting, you don’t need years of study to do it . If you have "a high school education", it's enough to be able to work in this line of business, said the author of this article.
Another point is that today find a full-time employment is very difficult. And when we find it, it may not fit us for various reasons. So part-time employment become the best option in this situation. → line 11: " parents who wishes to stay […] isn't going right for you".
However it's a way to help companies that need help during tax season to carry out the accounting work internally but also for customers. And when it's finish, we are free until the next season. → line 15-17: " often hire extra help […]until the next time they are needed".
Therefore choose to make a part-time jobs in accounting today, can bring to the people who make the choice a lot of benefits whether accountants or students.
II)The advantages to work part-time in accounting?
Besides, work in part-time in all line business but more precisely in accounting is a good thing and have a lot of advantages.
First you can continue to study and work at the same time. As we can see line 1- 2 : " to begin working in the industry while still school".
Secondly it's a way to have a better future and have a easier access in the workplace when we finish our studies. As we can see line 3 - 4 : "to get your foot in the door" "to access a full-time career after you complete school".
Also when you don't work full-time, you have more time to do others and you can pass more time with your family. As we can see line 8 : "allow you to have flexible hours" .