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Anglais Compte Rendu - In The Mojave Desert (dans le désert de Mojave)

Mémoires Gratuits : Anglais Compte Rendu - In The Mojave Desert (dans le désert de Mojave). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  30 Mars 2014  •  272 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 241 Vues

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Gerald Freeman was prospecting for gold in the Mojave Desert when he stumbled on Nipton.

In 1984, it had become a virtual ghost town.but where most saw desolation, freeman saw "a little placeto make a home"and maybe some money too. The Caltech-trained geologist shelled out $200,000 to buy the tiny, tattered outpost.

For a quarter-century, Freeman struggled to make much of the place, spending roughly $1 million on restoration costs. About 20 people eventually moved into town, most living in recreational vehicles and trailers.

But now Freeman thinks he’s finally figured out a way to turn Nipton into a boomtown.

He put up rows of gleaming solar panels, and recently began selling hats emblazoned with the hamlet’s new motto: “Nipton, powered by the sun.”

It’s part of a major push to make Nipton a sustainable wonderland, a green hospitality center for nature lovers headed into the neighboring Mojave National Preserve.

Gerald Freeman WAS prospecting for gold in the Mojave Desert When he stumbled on Nipton.

In 1984, It Had Become a virtual ghost town.but Where MOST saw desolation, Freeman saw "a little placeto make a home" and maybe Some money too. The Caltech-trained geologist shelled out $ 200,000 to buy the tiny, tattered outpost.

For a quarter-century, Freeman struggled to make much of the place, Spending Roughly $ 1 million on restoration costs. About 20 people Eventually Moved into town, most is living in recreational vehicles and trailers.

Order now Freeman thinks he's finally figured out a way to turn Nipton into a boomtown.

He put up rows of gleaming solar panels, and Recently Began selling hats emblazoned with the hamlet's new motto: "Nipton, powered by the sun."


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