Sucessful VS effective Managers
Dissertation : Sucessful VS effective Managers. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar OLIVIA.MANNINO • 15 Novembre 2015 • Dissertation • 1 067 Mots (5 Pages) • 644 Vues
Write an essay to discuss whether you would like to become an effective or successful manager in the future? Do you think you could be both? How?
To be a great manager is not only get the job done, is also be fair and approachable.
But, for managers sometimes the definition of success is the ability to be promoted quickly. They are not necessary effective. (Mihalicz, 2014)
Instead, an effective manager is one who is able to manage his own work and his team in the best way possible.
There is a significant difference and conflicting goals, between the both.
In this essay I am going to talk about what are successful and effective managers to decide which one I would like to be in my future. And why not become the both, that could be an ideal.
In my opinion I prefer to become an effective manager to be more close to my employees and have better results. I think I can become the both with training and experiences.
Which arguments could influence me to decide whether I would like to become a successful or an effective manager and if can I be both and how?
I will discuss the difference between an effective and successful manager and their roles. Then, I will talk about how I could be the both.
First, to be as well as possible a great manager, I think we have to respect principles like: Listen, Engage, Authorize, Demonstrate. That form the word Lead. It defines what means be a leader and what are the skills. Indeed, we will see that all those principles are useful in the managers’ role. (Upchurch, 2015)
And activities of a real manager in which L.E.A.D be part of: communication, traditional management, human resources, networking.
Successful managers want to get ahead. They spend time networking and too small time on human resources and communication. (Luthans, 1998)
Indeed, statistics show that 50% of those managers fail to achieve the expectations of those who promote them without using appropriate role. (Upchurch, 2015)
In my opinion they give a wrong image of theirself (wrong Demonstration). They could be the source of the problems, especially, in the human resources’ side and in consequences have less good results and less goals achieve. (Luthans, 1998)
This is why I do not want to be a successful manager only. Because there is no fair balance. I think it is very important for the team when the leader use it and do his/her role.
On the contrary, the effective managers are more conscientious about their role, they carry out their jobs (Engaged in roles), use a lot of communication (Listen other) with their team, indeed it is the biggest contribution to their effectiveness, this is why their results are better in quantity as well as in quality. (Luthans, 1998)
Besides this, using Traditional Management (ex: decision making) enable the firm and the employees to increase their results and hold a good atmosphere. It is known that people who feel good in their job are better producer. (CareerManagement)
In brief, their behaviours are the opposite of those successful. And respect all activities.
So, I prefer to become an effective manager, for those reasons, even whether I am not promoted quickly.
The difference between both is that they want to success but not in the same way. Their implications are different toward the activities of a real managers. They have not the same day-to-day activities. (Mihalicz, 2014)