Stage chez Рrod-Оptions Company
Rapport de stage : Stage chez Рrod-Оptions Company. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar floraduu168 • 11 Décembre 2014 • Rapport de stage • 443 Mots (2 Pages) • 734 Vues
Introducing Myself :
My name is Amandine and I'm 20 years old. I live in Angoulême.
I am an apprentice since some month. I have been gratuaded of an SES Baccalaureat.
Durind 1 year I took lessons of marketinh in the IUT(Institute of Technology) of Angoulême. Then, I noticed that I was going wrong about my career path so I decided to reotientate my studies.
I chose this BTS (HND : Higher National Diploma) because it combines many activities : accounting commercial,business and secretarial work.
Presentation of company :
I work the AUZIAL group wich is commercial unit , be composed of 5 company. The company in wich I work is PROD-OPTIONS.
The company was created by Mr. PERDRO PLA GASSOL, Director of product CEPAP, on Juilly the first 1998. Mr MAULARD, director now of PROD-OPTIONS bought this company in 2006.
The Company PROD-OPTIONS, is since the begining specialized in process industry, indeed, we do not have an assembly line, we juste realise services or specifics items. The main activity remains currently
industrial. Then, We are a minority of women because there is more men in this profession.
Our customers :
The profile of our customers can be described as followed :
90 % are the professional
10% private individual
Our suppliers :
DIY outlets like the Company CACC and CLEMENT
Our Rivals :
The first Rivals is VISVIVO in ISLE D ESPAGNAC, wich offers the same services that we propose. They go from place to place to pick and collect parts directly grom the professionals and then reduced once the finished work.
Catchment area :
Our catchment area extends all over POITOU-CHARENTE.
Evolution :
In 2006 the turnover of the company amounts to 850 000 € after on year it has increased a little approximately 3%
In 2008 the turnover was 910 000 €, 876 000 € in 2010. It represents an increase of approximately 10%.
In 2013, the company achieved a turnover of 806 000 €.
My activities within the company :
In the company, I'm personal assistant. Every week, I work on Mondays, on Tuesdays and sometimes on Wednesdays.
I work in an office with a colleague who is my supervisor.
Every day, my daily activity, I must answer the phone, I take care of the payments of customers and of suppliers . I also make the invoices of the customers and I can send letters, e-mails.
This professional work experience enabled me to confront theroy and practice.