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Lettre En Anglais Pour Un Intenvenant En Entreprise

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Par   •  21 Mars 2015  •  318 Mots (2 Pages)  •  874 Vues

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4 St Margaret Avenue

Canterbury CB2 4RU

7 November 2014

Julia Donnegan

12 Dingle Street

Clifton Bristol CL5 9NG

Dear Mrs.Donnegan,

Personal assistant of Mr. Lopes, director of Toys of yesteryear, which is a wooden toy factory, as you may be aware, we are number one of the market of wooden toy, and our factory is implanted in 18 Churchill Place Tipton NT4 9HJ Somerset.

I heard you on Radio 4, and I was very impressed with your career. So I would like to invite you to tell your employment history to the heads department. It will be a good experience for the company, because we try to put in place equal opportunities’ politics. You are a good example. We need to have companies which want really change the mentalities.

I would be grateful if you could come on a Friday morning, for a conference. First, Mr.Lopes could present you and he could explain the equal opportunities’ politics. Then, you could begin to tell your story. After, we could plan a buffet dinner with the heads department that would enable to exchange experiences.

I thought to invite you on Friday, December 12th, at eleven o’clock. If the date of the meeting does not suit to you, we can change the day, it is not a problem.

The most important is your coming; we would be obliged if you would respond to our invitation. Society must be change, and we can contribute.

We look forward to hearing from you

Yours faithfully

Alison Brown Renan Poilly BTS AG


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