Different opinions on local food production
Étude de cas : Different opinions on local food production. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar anicod • 19 Octobre 2015 • Étude de cas • 890 Mots (4 Pages) • 724 Vues
Summary of different opinions on local food production
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Terms of reference
The aim of this report is to bring to light certain aspects of local production that are particularly important from a consumer standpoint, or that are significant in some other ways, and to establish whether Nyon would be a convenient location to open a shop selling locally produced food and related products only.
This report is based on two relevant articles from different sources and a bachelor thesis enabling me to establish the answers to three top-line questions:
- What are the benefits of local production?
- What are the local production limits?
- Are consumers from Nyon sensitive to local production and inclined to adopt a local consumption?
In order to provide a concrete « expert » response to the feasibility and the specifics of the local business concept in this area, this report focuses more sharply on the management point of view.
The benefits of local production
Local food production is a guarantee of freshness. Food is grown and harvested close to consumers' homes, then distributed over much shorter distances compared to the conventional global industrial food system. The two authors of the article « think global...eat local » pointed out that in addition to the relatively small « food miles », which reduce the ecological footprint, local production increases the quality of the products themselves.
Until further notice, taste is one of the main aspects consumers take into consideration when they buy food. By shortening the distance between producers and customers, a local production system takes a big advantage on the global system. Indeed, it allows farmers to produce with fewer preservatives or other additives and pick mature fruit, which increases both flavour and nutrition profile of their products compared to the ones you generally find in your supermarket produce aisle.
Moreover, in opposition to intensive farming practices, such as single-crop farming, local farmers are incentive when it comes to diversifying their production. Thus, a vast assortment of products can be offered in local food shops, as stated in this same article.
Finally, food poisonings have increased over the last decades. Consequently, demand for safe food and a more secure food system is growing. The authors explain that due to the geographical proximity of farms, local food production gives customers more food control and ensures them a better food security.
Local production limits
Nonetheless, although local food has undeniable advantages, local systems are facing obvious limits. One of the biggest problems that this market encounters are diversity issues that selling local goods imposes. As the authors reveal in their article « Local, national and imported foods: A qualitative study », with the advancement of globalization, it is possible to get one’s hand on many food items all year round. However, when you are dealing with local producers, they can only provide you with seasonal products. Even if farmers were able to grow crops at any given time, there are still many food items that are just not compatible with the local climate and soil.