Étude en anglais de l'entreprise Generik
Étude de cas : Étude en anglais de l'entreprise Generik. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Wizlife • 25 Janvier 2021 • Étude de cas • 477 Mots (2 Pages) • 434 Vues
I did an 6 weeks internship as a management assistant in the company Generik. Generik is an SARL with a social capital of 300 000 euros located in the Yvelines. It designs and sells hair products under its own brand called "losw-cost".
To begin with I’m gonna describe the company, then its activites as well as my impressions and finally the results of my internship.
First and foremost Generik was created in 2004 by Bruno Mocher (who was sales director at l'Oréal) and his sister Delphine, hairdresser. Today the company employs 24 people and its market is exclusively composed of hairdressing professionals and wholesalers. The company's ambition is to offer and develop basic and qualitative products on the professional market at unbeatable prices.
Basically, as a trainee, I had multiple tasks to do the first being to seek customers by prospecting, I had to set up an information monitoring to find prospects and then select potential customers among them. After doing this I made a standard letter to send to prospects with the catalog of our products that I made myself, at the same time I also made several excel tables in order to follow the progress of the project with in particular the dates of relaunch of the prospects.
Then I processed an order over the phone, I had to adopt a pleasant tone and answer all of the customer's questions. In order to do this I made a call sheet to fill in all customer information.
I also dealt with customer requests in order to preserve a good image of the company. I had to respond to negative comments on the forum while trying to bring back those unhappy customers
Finally, I dealt with unpaid reminders from certain clients, those whose deadline has passed. The first reminder comes 7 days after the end of the deadline by email, the second by phone 7 days after the first and the last 7 days after the second reminder is a formal notice.
I found this experience useful because it made me in some ways an adult, I discovered the world of work and the responsabilites that come with. I applied the things I had learned in che classroom and I learned so much more by working in this company, it helped me to define my personal and professional project because now I know what I want to do.
In the end, it was a valuable experience because i gained professional experience, I had felt I could develop myself and grow in this environment. My internship work experience proved me right. This immersion in the professional world helped me to focus my career more accurately.
I discovered the various positions in the company and have an insight into their operating. At the end of the training I felt I could contribute my well-trained services to the success of the company's business.