- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Cours anglais marketing entreprise

Lettre type : Cours anglais marketing entreprise. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  6 Février 2020  •  Lettre type  •  1 213 Mots (5 Pages)  •  512 Vues

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                                                What we said

                THE 3 Ps

-> the Product

-> the Premises

-> The people  : - Staff

                        - Customers

                                                What the teacher thinks

As a company manager, you first have to decide where to sell.

 -> It consist in        : - Identify the market

                        - Finding the consumption and import fidures of products similar to yours

                        - Learning about the economic growth rate of the potential market

        -> It also consists in : - Looking up the cultural and religious pratices, your potential competitors

                        - And demographic figures ( number of customers)

You must have a plan

-> It consist in : - Estimating your capacity to meet the new market's demand

                        - Choosing the right packaging. This packaging must appeal to your new market.


-> It also consists in : - Visiting your new market

                        - Showcasing your products at trade fairs and building new contacts.

You have to choose a route, a distribution channel

-> You may : - Sell directly

                - Use a distributor

                - Use a sales agent

You have to advert your products

->  It consists in using advertising media like TV commercials/magazines.

-> It will help you gain exposure but it is very expensive

-> That is why you must pay attention to your return on investement.

Other cheap advertising media exist :

-> You can create a website with content transladed according to you target market

-> You can also use global social media websites like LinkedIn, FB or Twi . It helps companies promote a message very quickly and free of charge

You also have to understand the admin.

If you export inside the EU, products can move freely across borders without customs checks

If you export to the rest of the world, you may encounter letters of credits or specific customs forms.

You have to be paid.

You have to use Incoterms


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